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Journal Club Theme of May 2011: Nanoscale Electromechanics and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

jiangyuli's picture

Coupling between electrical and mechanical phenomena is ubiquitous in nature and underpins the functionality of materials and systems as diversified asferroelectricsandmultiferroics,electroactivemolecules, and biological systems. In ferroelectrics, electromechanical behavior is directly linked topolarizationorder parameter and hence can be used to study complex phenomena including polarization reversal,domain wallpinning, multiferroic interaction, andelectron-lattice coupling. The very basis of functionalities of biological systems is electromechanics - from nerve-controlled muscle contraction on macroscale to cardiac activity and hearing on microscale and to energy storage inmitochondria, voltage-controlledion channelsand electromotor proteins on nanoscale. More broadly, electromechanical coupling is a key component of virtually all electrochemical transformations, and is a nearly universal part of energy conversion and transport processes. It forms a basis for many device applications, and is directly relevant to virtually all existing and emerging aspects of materials science and nanobiotechnology.

The ubiquity and importance of electromechanics is belied by the lack of systematic interdisciplinary studies, due to, until recently, the dearth of corresponding nanoscale probing tools and the difficulty in quantitatively determining the relatively small electromechanical coupling coefficients. The development ofpiezoresponse force microscopy(PFM) in the last decade has led to rapid advances in the investigation of electromechanics with unprecedented resolution. In ferroelectric materials, PFM has enabled imaging of static and dynamic domain characteristics at the nanometer level [1], providing direct experimental observations on switching and fatigue [2,3], domain-defect interactions [4], and nucleation mechanisms [5]. The last several years have also witnessed a number of spectacular advances in PFM imaging and characterization ofIII-V nitrides[6], ferroelectric and biological polymers [7], and expanding PFM capabilities to liquid and vacuum environments [8], and some excellent reviews can be found in [1,9,10]. Furthermore, a series of international workshops have been held in the past a few years, including a recent one in Beijing last summer. The presentations of that workshop can be found at Here we briefly review the principle of PFM and its applications to ferroelectrics and multiferroics, biological systems, and electrochemical systems. The opportunities and challenges it provides to mechanics community will also be discussed.

1. Principles of Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

The very first paper on PFM was published in 1992 byGuthner and Dransfeldin Applied Physics Letters, though the term piezoresponse force microscopy was coined three years later byAlexei Gruverman. The principle of PFM is straightforward conceptually – a conductivescanning probe microscopy(SPM) tip is used to apply an AC voltage to the specimen and induce a local displacement that is recorded byphotodiodeif the specimen ispiezoelectric. The magnitude of such displacement is proportional to thepiezoelectric coefficient, while thephaseis correlated with the polarity of the polarization, making it possible to image the domain structure of ferroelectrics. However, the implementation and analysis is not trivial, since the piezoelectric displacement is usually very small, in the order of picometers. To enhance the sensitivity,resonanceenhancement by driving the AC voltage near the resonance of the cantilever-specimen system is often used [11] at the expense of quantitative analysis of piezoelectric coefficient. To overcome this difficulty, dual frequency resonance tracking (DFRT) [12] and band excitation (BE) [13] techniques have been developed, making it possible to quantitatively determine the phase, amplitude,quality factor, and resonance frequency simultaneously, and thus enable the quantitative analysis of local piezoelectric response of the sample. While most of the PFM experiments use vertical mode based on piezoelectric coefficient d33 to map the out-of-plane polarization distribution [14], lateral PFM based on piezoelectric coefficient d15 has also been developed to map the in-plane polarization distribution [15,16], and three-dimensional PFM has also been attempted by combining vertical and lateral PFM together [17]. In addition to mapping the domain structure of ferroelectrics, it is also possible to manipulate the domain structure using PFM, by imposing a sequence of DC voltage on top of AC voltage while measuring the piezoresponse simultaneously, resulting in local domain switching and hysteresis andbutterfly loops[18]. The PFM hysteresis loop, however, measures piezoresponse phase versus DC voltage, and does not really give conventional hysteresis of polarization versus electric field. If that is desirable, the SPM tip should be connected to ferroelectric analyzer. Switching spectroscopy techniques has also been developed to map the local switching characteristics [19].

2. Applications of Piezoresponse Force Microscopy

Piezoresponse force microscopy has been applied to study a wide range of ferroelectric materials in the past decades, and here we can only give a few snapshots of its applications. These includeBaTiO3[20],LiNbO3[21], andSBN[22] crystals,PZTthin films [23], PMN-PT relaxors [24],P(VDF-TrFE)polymers [25], and low-dimensional ferroelectrics, such as nanowires [26] and nanofibers [7]. In the past a few years, PFM has played a major role in understanding magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics at nanoscale, particularly in BiFeO3, that has stimulated great excitement in the field [27]. It has also been used as nanolithography tool to write a pre-designed domain structure by applying a distribution of positive and negative voltages based on pre-designed templates while scanning the sample [28]. Combining such domain structure with photovoltaic effect of ferroelectrics,photovoltaicassisted deposition of metallic pattern on ferroelectric surface has also demonstrated [29),采取优势photovol的方向性taic current guided by the polarization of ferroelectric domains.

Another emerging application of PFM, which is still in its early development, is in biological systems. In 1960s, piezoelectric effects have been observed in a number of soft and hard tissues [30,31], which is believed to be a universal property of living tissues that may play a significant role in several physiological phenomena [32], for example the remodeling of bones and the formation ofthrombidue to injury of blood vessels. To understand these phenomena, local probing of the piezoelectricity at nanoscale is essential, and PFM offers such powerful capability, especially with the recent advances of PFM in liquid environment [8]. Nevertheless, the applications of PFM in biological systems are still relatively limited, and a number of systems have been investigated by groups of Rodriguez, Gruverman, and Yu, among others. Some excellent reviews can be found in [10].

Recently, another important application of PFM has emerged, by demonstrating its applicability inLi-ion batteries, which is referred as electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM) [33]. It is well known that during Li-ionintercalationinto and extraction from the electrodes, largelatticedistortion is induced, which has substantial influence on the reliability and cyclic stability on the battery. It is highly desirable to probe such coupling between electrochemical process and deformation locally at nanoscale, and ESM, which is essentially identical to PFM, has recently been developed to map the deformation field in the electrodes due to Li-ion redistribution induced by external electric field [34]. Given the promises of nanostructured electrodes in high performance electric energy storage, we expect ESM will play a prominent role in the future development of Li-ion batteries.

3. Opportunities and Challenges to Mechanics Community

The principles of PFM and ESM are based on nanoscale electromechanics, the intimately coupling between electric process and deformation. In return, they also offer new tools and opportunities to mechanics community, and enable potential investigations that would be difficult to carry out otherwise. One example would be fracture in ferroelectrics, for which the role ofdomain switchingnear crack tip remain to be hotly debated. Piezoresponse force microscopy now offers the capability to image such domain switching associated with crack propagation, and thus may help answer the question. As mentioned earlier, it also offers insight in understanding the fracture in Li-ion battery electrodes. Enormous opportunities also exist in biomechanics, where PFM can help clarifying electromechanical processes that seems ubiquitous in biological systems.

Piezoresponse force microscopy and electrochemical strain microscopy also impose tremendous challenges to mechanics community. From analysis point of view, the electric field underneath a SPM tip is highly concentrated, and the deformation induced by SPM tip is also local, constrained by the neighboring environment. The material’s heterogeneity and nonlinearity also have substantial influence on the piezoresponse, and the dynamics of cantilever and contact make the problem even worse. All of these make the interpretation of data, especially quantitative analysis, extremely difficult, and these are challenges that mechanics community can make major contributions in helping overcome.

1 A. Gruverman and S. V. Kalinin,Journal of Materials Science 41, 107 (2006).
2 A. Gruverman, O. Auciello, and H. Tokumoto,Applied Physics Letters 69, 3191 (1996).
3 S. V. Kalinin, A. Gruverman, B. J. Rodriguez, J. Shin, A. P. Baddorf, E. Karapetian, and M. Kachanov,应用Physi杂志cs 97, 074305 (2005).
4 I. K. Bdikin, A. L. Kholkin, A. N. Morozovska, S. V. Svechnikov, S. H. Kim, and S. V. Kalinin,Applied Physics Letters 92(2008).
5 D. J. Kim, J. Y. Jo, T. H. Kim, S. M. Yang, B. Chen, Y. S. Kim, and T. W. Noh,应用物理快报91年(2007).
6 B. J. Rodriguez, A. Gruverman, A. I. Kingon, and R. J. Nemanich,Journal of Crystal Growth 246, 252 (2002).
7 B. J. Rodriguez, S. V. Kalinin, J. Shin, S. Jesse, V. Grichko, T. Thundat, A. P. Baddorf, and A. Gruverman,Journal of Structural Biology 153, 151 (2006).
8 B. J. Rodriguez, S. Jesse, A. P. Baddorf, and S. V. Kalinin,Physical Review Letters 96(2006).
9 D. A. Bonnell, S. V. Kalinin, A. L. Kholkin, and A. Gruverman,Mrs Bulletin 34, 648 (2009).
10 S. V. Kalinin, B. J. Rodriguez, S. Jesse, E. Karapetian, B. Mirman, E. A. Eliseev, and A. N. Morozovska,Annual Review of Materials Research 37, 189 (2007).
11 S. Jesse, B. Mirman, and S. V. Kalinin,Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 3 (2006).
12 B. J. Rodriguez, C. Callahan, S. V. Kalinin, and R. Proksch,Nanotechnology 18, 475504 (2007).
13 S. Jesse, S. V. Kalinin, R. Proksch, A. P. Baddorf, and B. J. Rodriguez,Nanotechnology 18(2007).
14 S. Kalinin and D. Bonnell,Physical Review B 65(2002).
15 L. M. Eng, H. J. Guntherodt, G. Rosenman, A. Skliar, M. Oron, M. Katz, and D. Eger,应用Physi杂志cs 83, 5973 (1998).
16 L. M. Eng, H. J. Guntherodt, G. A. Schneider, U. Kopke, and J. M. Saldana,Applied Physics Letters 74, 233 (1999).
17 S. V. Kalinin, B. J. Rodriguez, S. Jesse, J. Shin, A. P. Baddorf, P. Gupta, H. Jain, D. B. Williams, and A. Gruverman,Microscopy and Microanalysis 12, 206 (2006).
18 S. Jesse, A. P. Baddorf, and S. V. Kalinin,Applied Physics Letters 88, 062908 (2006).
19 S. Jesse, B. J. Rodriguez, S. Choudhury, A. P. Baddorf, I. Vrejoiu, D. Hesse, M. Alexe, E. A. Eliseev, A. N. Morozovska, J. Zhang, L.-Q. Chen, and S. V. Kalinin,Nature Materials 7, 209 (2008).
20 F. Felten, G. A. Schneider, J. M. o. Saldaña, and S. V. Kalinin,应用Physi杂志cs 96, 563 (2004).
21 B. J. Rodriguez, R. J. Nemanich, A. Kingon, A. Gruverman, S. V. Kalinin, K. Terabe, X. Y. Liu, and K. Kitamura,Applied Physics Letters 86, 012906 (2005).
22 K. Terabe, S. Takekawa, M. Nakamura, K. Kitamura, S. Higuchi, Y. Gotoh, and A. Gruverman,Applied Physics Letters 81, 2044 (2002).
23 A. Gruverman, O. Auciello, and H. Tokumoto,Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 14, 602 (1996).
24 M. Abplanalp, D. Barosova, P. Bridenbaugh, J. Erhart, J. Fousek, P. Gunter, J. Nosek, and M. Sulc,应用Physi杂志cs 91, 3797 (2002).
25 B. J. Rodriguez, S. Jesse, S. V. Kalinin, J. Kim, S. Ducharme, and V. M. Fridkin,Applied Physics Letters 90(2007).
26 Z. Y. Wang, A. P. Suryavanshi, and M. F. Yu,Applied Physics Letters 89(2006).
27 J. Wang, J. B. Neaton, H. Zheng, V. Nagarajan, S. B. Ogale, B. Liu, D. Viehland, V. Vaithyanathan, D. G. Schlom, U. V. Waghmare, N. A. Spaldin, K. M. Rabe, M. Wuttig, and R. Ramesh,Science 299, 1719 (2003).
28 S. V. Kalinin, D. A. Bonnell, T. Alvarez, X. Lei, Z. Hu, J. H. Ferris, Q. Zhang, and S. Dunn,Nano Letters 2, 589 (2002).
29 X. Liu, K. Kitamura, K. Terabe, H. Hatano, and N. Ohashi,应用物理快报91年(2007).
30 E. Fukada and I. Yasuda,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 12, 1158 (1957).
31 M. H. Shamos, M. I. Shamos, and L. S. Lavine,Nature 197, 81 (1963).
32 M. H. Shamos and L. S. Lavine,Nature 213, 267 (1967).
33American Ceramic Society Bulletin89, 13 (2010).
34 N. Balke, S. Jesse, A. N. Morozovska, E. Eliseev, D. W. Chung, Y. Kim, L. Adamczyk, R. E. Garcia, N. Dudney, and S. V. Kalinin,Nature Nanotechnology 5, 749 (2010).


Xiaodong Li's picture

Thanks for posting this interesting topic. PFM is unique. In addition to imaging, PFM can be used to perform indentation.Nanoindentation in conjunction with PFMwas used to study domain switching and to measure the mechanical properties
of individual ferroelectric domains in a tetragonal BaTiO3 single
晶体。发现nanoindentation印第安纳州uced local domain
switching; the a and c domains of BaTiO3 have different elastic moduli
但类似的硬度。攻读硕士学位Nanoindentation模量ing on the a and c
domains further confirmed such difference in elasticity. Finite element
modeling was used to simulate the von Mises stress and plastic strain
profiles of the indentations on both a and c domains, which introduces a
much higher stress level than the critical value for domain nucleation.

jiangyuli's picture

Thanks Xiaodong for alerting me this nice paper. Indeed, the combination of PFM with nanoindentation is very interesting, especially in studying the indentation induced cracks and fractures. In fact, Asylum Research has developed a nanoindentation head that can also perform PFM scan, though it has less resolution. We are planning this kind of experiment, and will keep you posted on how it goes.

Pradeep Sharma's picture

Thanks for the interesting discussion! Most ferroelectrics appear to show
significant polarization under mechanical stimuli even in their
non-piezoelectric phase (e.g. BTO in cubic). The sample must be strained
inhomogeneously and this phenomenon (flexoelectricity) has been studied
experimentally by Cross and co-workers and recently by groups in UK and Spain
(Scott, Catalan among others). Is it possible or has PFM been performed on
samples which are bent?

Based on the limited understanding I have of PFM (---I am not an
experimentalist!), I was under the impression that PFM only provides a
qualitative picture of the polarization distribution of a sample. I noted in
your discussion that it is also possible to evaluate the polarization
quantitatively. I will read the papers you cited for this. Do you know by any
chance if there is any assessment of the accuracy of such a quantitative

jiangyuli's picture

Thanks Pradeep! Flexoelectricity is interesting, and I have heard Andrei Kholkin talking about it with PFM in multiple occasions, possibly in collaborations with Scott. So it is definitely possible. I can help connect you two if you desire. My lab actually played with PFM on bent sample, wavy PZT ribbons to be exact. This is an ongoing effort in collaborations with Xue Feng of Tsinghua, John Rogers of UIUC, and Yonggang of Northwestern on stretchable ferroelectrics, and a recent paper can be found at

Quantitative analysis with PFM, especially accurate measurement, is difficult. Mainly there are two quantities involved. One is polarization, and the other is piezoelectric coefficient. PFM itself does not give any direct information on polarization magnitude. If that is desired, the tip has to be connected to a conventional ferroelectric analyzer. But if the tip with 10s nm radius is used as top electrode, the charge is extremely small and I am not sure it can actually be measured yet by existing charge amplifiers. Patterned electrodes with micron meter size would be a possibility, but then you get much less resolution on the local mapping.

On the other hand, the quantitative measurement of piezoelectric coefficient is possible with PFM in principle, but this really involves solving an inverse problem, determining the actual piezoelectric coefficient from the measured piezoresponse, which of course is highly nontrivial. We are attempting to do some of this now. The effective piezoelectric coefficient is usually estimated by using piezoresponse magnitude divided by tip voltage, and I guess we all know how accurate it is.

kyzeng's picture

Thanks to Jiangyu for the interesting discussion in this topic. PFM is a unique tool and can be used in many different areas. We have used this technique to characterize the piezoelectric properties of Abalone shell, the findings are very interesting. The results was published in Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 3667-3679.

Seashell can be considered as a nanocomposite with piezoelectrical behaviors, actually the domain switching can be easily obtained in seashell in comparison with other inorganic or organic piezoelectric materials (such as PZT or PVDF). The PFM is also used to identify the nanostructures of seashell based on their piezoelectric response. We suggested that the electromechanical coupling in seashell may contribute to their extraordinary mechanical properties.


jiangyuli's picture

Thanks Kaiyang, for a very interesting paper. I found the ferroelectric hysteresis you observed particularly fascinating and puzzling, as it is not usually reported in biological systems, to my very limited knowledges. I would think that switching of these long polar molecular chains is very difficult. Have you attemped to do a nanolithography using PFM, writing a domain structure in the shells? How about macroscopic ferroelectric measurement?

Majid Minary's picture

Thanks for the interesting discussion. It is interesting to me thatkyzengreports ferroelectric hysteresis in biological samples. We probed piezoelectricity in bone ( and also individual collagen fibrils ( and (, which is believed to be the underlying origin of piezoelectricity in most biological samples, and did not observe such ferroelectric hysteresis. It would be interesting to know the underlying mechanics in the shells.

jiangyuli's picture

Majid, thanks for these papers. Piezoelectricity and the streaming potential have been proposed for
the origin of electrical signals produced by the bending of
physiologically-moist bone, and it is now widely believed that streaming potential is dominant mechanism. Any thought on this, or
physiological relevance of piezoelectricity in bone?

Majid Minary's picture

Jiangyu, there are several recent papers and review pointing
toward relevance of collagen piezoelectricity in bone, including
REVIEW". Here the authors argue that collagen piezoelectricity could lead
to strain-generated potentials. Particularly, they propose that
piezoelectricity can influence streaming potential. The conclusion of the
mentioned review paper has several important points in this regard.

kyzeng's picture

Thanks for your interesting.

我们做了这对大部分壳样品测量,which is at least half of millimeters thick. It is actually unexpected to obtain the hysteresis loop based on the experiences on other tranditional ferroelectric materials. We do not have high voltage options in our PFM, therefore, we can only apply ±10V bias to the PFM tip. When we use PFM study PVDF, BFO thin films and bulk materials such as PZT and PZN-PT, it is so easy to obtain the hyesteresis loop if the conditions are not correct. For example, for PVDF-TrFE film, we can only obtain the loop is the film thickness is less than 50 nm, for BFO film, the film thickness has to be less than 200nm, whereas for bulk samples, we are not be able to obtain the hysteresis loop under ±10V bias. We suspected that it may be due to the thickness, or may also due to the bottom electrode (this is what I learnt in this MRS conference). However, for seashell sample, first of all, the sample are thick, more than 500μm, also we do not have bottom electrode, we simple using the Ag paster to glue the sample on the sample stage, then we can obtain the loop within ±5V, and this is repeatable. But the shape of the loop is different from other tranditional ferroelectric materials, we also observe butterfly strain loop, which is the typical shape of the ferroelectric materials. We must say, however, we are not fully understand the origin of the ferroelectric properties of seashell yet, it is believe the biopolymers, in which have large and complex molecular structure, mainly containing protein, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and serine, are resposible to the ferroelectric/piezoelectric behavior of the seashell.

Our basic ideal is if the hysteresis loop represents the domain switching process, then the results suggests that the domains in seashell can be easily switched and this process should dissipate external energy. This brought us the attention of the "Domain switch toughening" (actually, also mentioned by one of the reviewers to our Acta Mater paper) in some of the piezoelectric materials. Therefore, we made the hypothesis that the seashell may have some kind of mechanisms to utilize the "domain switching toughening".

To answer Jianyu's question, we have not perform the nanolithography in seashell samples, also we have not tried the dc writing in the seashell, it is actually good suggestion to do so, we will perform this study on seashell, if I got any interesting results, we will report here.



jiangyuli's picture

Kaiyang, maybe we can do a conventional ferroelectric hysteresis measurement on macroscopic scale, to sort this out? We can run this in my lab, if you could not do it elsewhere. Maybe this is indeed the key for the toughening?

kyzeng's picture

Jiangyu: This is a good ideal, I will first try to find out how to do it here on our sample, will get back to you soon.


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