#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*-编码:UTF8 -*- # #版权所有(C) 2018-2020 Konstantinos Poulios, Yves Renard。# # GetFEM++是免费软件;您可以根据自由软件基金会发布的GNU通用公共许可证的条款重新发布和/或修改它;使用许可证的2.1版本,或者(根据您的选择)任何更新的版本。#发布本程序是希望它有用,但#不提供任何保证;甚至不含对适销性或适合某一特定目的的默示保证。请参阅GNU较宽松通用公共许可证了解更多细节。与本程序一起,您应该收到一份GNU较宽松公共许可证的副本;如果没有,请写信给自由软件基金会,地址:美国马萨诸塞州波士顿富兰克林街51号五楼02110-1301。 # ############################################################################ import getfem as gf import numpy as np gf.util_trace_level(1) # Input data D = 100. # disc length H = 2. # disc thickness N_D1 = 10 # number of elements in disc core N_D2 = 3 # number of elements in disc peel E = 5e3 # Elastic Young's modulus nu = 0.4 # Poisson's ratio pmax = 1.5e2 # Maximum applied pressure steps = 300 disp_fem_order = 2 # displacements finite element order n_fem_order = 2 # thickness vector finite element order integration_degree = 5 # 9 gauss points per quad # mesh generation mesh = gf.Mesh("import", "structured_ball", "GT='GT_QK(2,2)';ORG=[0,0];SIZES=[%f];NSUBDIV=[%i,%i];SYMMETRIES=0" % (D/2., N_D1, N_D2)) mesh.transform([[1,0],[0,1],[0,0]]) # mesh regions DIR_BOUNDARY = 6 mesh.set_region(DIR_BOUNDARY, mesh.outer_faces(2)) # FEM mfu = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 3) mfu.set_classical_fem(disp_fem_order) mfdir = mfu mfn = gf.MeshFem(mesh, 3) mfn.set_classical_fem(n_fem_order) mfout = gf.MeshFem(mesh) mfout.set_classical_discontinuous_fem(disp_fem_order) # numerical integration mim = gf.MeshIm(mesh, integration_degree) # Model md = gf.Model("real") md.add_fem_variable("u", mfu) # displacements variable md.add_fem_variable("n", mfn) # deformed normal vector variable md.set_variable("n", md.interpolation("[0,0,1]", mfn, -1)) md.add_initialized_data("gamma", 0.) # numerical continuation load multiplier md.add_initialized_data("pmax", pmax) # maximum pressure md.add_initialized_data('kappa', E/(3*(1-2*nu))) # Bulk modulus md.add_initialized_data('mu', E/(2*(1+nu))) # Shear modulus md.add_initialized_data('H', H) md.add_macro("F", "[1,0,0;0,1,0;0,0,0]+Grad(u)+n@[0,0,1]") md.add_nonlinear_term(mim, "H*0.5*kappa*sqr(log(Det(F)))+" "H*0.5*mu*(pow(Det(F),-2/3)*Norm_sqr(F)-3)") md.add_nonlinear_term(mim, "gamma*pmax*Det(F)*((Inv(F)'*[0,0,-1]).Test_u)") md.add_Dirichlet_condition_with_multipliers(mim, "u", mfdir, DIR_BOUNDARY) # Numerical continuation S = gf.ContStruct(md, "gamma", 1./mfu.nbdof(), "variable_name", "u", "h_init", 1e-1, "h_max", 1e0, "h_min", 1e-4, "h_dec", 1/np.sqrt(10.), "h_inc", np.sqrt(10.), "lsolver", "mumps", "max_iter", 10, "thr_iter", 6, "max_res", 1e-5, "max_diff", 1e-8, "min_cos", 0.999, "singularities", 0, "very_noisy") print("Displacement dofs: %i\nTotal model dofs: %i" % (mfu.nbdof(), md.nbdof())) md.add_macro("sigmaD", "mu*pow(Det(F),-5./3.)*Deviator(Left_Cauchy_Green(F))") md.add_macro("sigmaH", "kappa*log(Det(F))/Det(F)*Id(3)") with open("gf_membrane.dat", "w") as f: for step in range(steps+1): if md.variable("gamma") >= 1.: break # simulation completed print("SOLVING STEP %i" % step) if step == 0: md.solve("noisy", "lsolver", "mumps", "max_iter", 60, "max_res", 1e-7, #)[0] "lsearch", "simplest", "alpha max ratio", 10., "alpha min", 0.1, "alpha mult", 0.6, "alpha threshold res", 5e3)[0] init_dir = 1. gamma = 0. x = md.from_variables() [tx, tgamma, h] = S.init_Moore_Penrose_continuation(x, gamma, init_dir) limit_points = [] else: x = md.from_variables() x, gamma, tx, tgamma, h, h0, sing_label = \ S.Moore_Penrose_continuation(x, gamma, tx, tgamma, h) if h == 0: break # Continuation has failed elif sing_label == "limit point": limit_points.append(step) md.to_variables(x) VM = md.local_projection(mim, "sqrt(1.5)*Norm(sigmaD)", mfout) output = (mfout, VM, "Von Mises Stress") for ij in ((1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)): SIGMA = md.local_projection(mim, "sigmaH(%i,%i)+sigmaD(%i,%i)" % (ij + ij), mfout) output += (mfout, SIGMA, "Cauchy Stress %i %i" % ij) output = (mfu, md.variable("u"), "Displacements", mfn, md.variable("n"), "Thickness vector") + output mfout.export_to_vtk("gf_membrane_%i.vtk" % step, *output) f.write(("step=%i gamma=%e\n") % (step, md.variable("gamma"))) f.flush()