万博manbetx平台《准连续体无轨道密度泛函理论:百万原子电子结构(DFT)计算的途径》 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/956 对“准连续统无轨道密度泛函理论:百万原子电子结构(DFT)计算的一条途径”的评论 埃齐奥·布鲁诺系 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/9169#comment-9169


星期二,2008年11月18日18:56:26 +0000 支持布鲁诺 在//m.limpotrade.com发万博manbetx平台表评论9169 将这种方法扩展到K-S DFT的工作进展如何 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/8880#comment-8880

回复准连续体无轨道密度泛函理论:百万原子电子结构(DFT)计算之路< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


非常有趣的工作。我想知道将这种方法推广到K-S DFT的工作是如何进行的,推广的困难是什么?说实话,我对DFT理论并不熟悉,所以我的问题可能会这么简单。



2008年10月11日星期六01:52:07 +0000 腾张 评论8880在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
回复:有关DFT的进一步问题 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1469#comment-1469

回复准连续体无轨道密度泛函理论:百万原子电子结构(DFT)计算之路< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">



(i) FD不尊重问题的变分结构




我最近熟悉一项工作(过去也有一些),其中使用FD方案来离散DFT。参见,“一种有效的无轨道密度泛函理论的实空间方法”,C.J. García-Cervera, Comm。 Comp. Phys., 2 (2), pp. 334-357 (2007).

Regarding Gallerkin formulation, as I mentioned before, a discrete variational formulation and Gallerkin formulation are equivalent (just like a variational formulation, weak-form are equivalent).

2. Yes, the three are related. We can discuss more on personal correspondence if this is not clear. Yes, DFT can handle glass at 0K.

3. Motion can be handled in DFT, though periodicity imposes serious restricions in modelling such systems. The physics of DFT is very fundamental, its the discretization and numerical schemes which pose the challenge.

4. DFT is derived from QM for ground-state properties and has all the features of QM. So, I am speculating it will be able to model the bucky-ball through a small slit though I havent come across this.

2007年3月5日星期一14:14:09 +0000 Vikram Gavini 评论1469在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
关于DFT-FEM问题的进一步说明 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1462#comment-1462


是的,答案很有帮助,但有时只是部分。< / p > < p > 1。我提出关于FDM的问题是因为:(I)我喜欢它的简单性!(ii) FEM最重要的优势——在统一框架内更好地处理更复杂的bc的能力——似乎在这里已经缺席了(尽管我不能立即看到原因)。


没有DFT的微分公式是出乎意料的,考虑到(i)它是更严格的变分形式,(ii) DFT工作获得了诺贝尔奖,以及(iii)物理学通常的工作方式,因此即使是替代方法的细微差别也不会不追求。可能,但出乎意料。< / p > < p > 2。又是一个愚蠢的问题!在这种情况下,周期性是什么意思?格状规则排列(在实空间中是周期性的)? The particular form of BCs (their symmetry)? The basis in plane-waves (sort of like Fourier expansion)? Do the three have to be related necessarily?... It wouldn't seem to be so on the face of it... Some of my questions also probe these aspects... For instance, let me ask you one more question: You mention non-zero temp. OK. So, can DFT-FEM handle glass at 0 K (as a theoretical scenario)? How about a solid solution with randomly placed second component?

I did note Pradeep Sharma's comment about the freedom from periodicity that your work now allows. So your work does seem to be important. Yet, as an outsider, I can't quite see why the plane-wave basis would be a limitation... Just thinking aloud--you may leave this point alone.

3. Then, my questions also dealt with the aspect of *motion* within the system: whether and how DFT (and its FEM approximation) could handle motion. Yours seems to be a static model. Or is it the case that the inability to handle non-periodic BCs has also meant, so far, the inability to model motion of atoms/ionic cores?

4. Finally, my question on bucky-ball through a narrow slit also probed the power and suitability of the DFT approach to address (i) tunneling and (ii) wave-particle duality of matter. These are the routine problems for QFT folks to ponder on. How does DFT fare here? How well would a DFT-FEM simulation work out here?

In the present post, the question numbers 1 and 4 are more immediately interesting to me than the others.

2007年3月5日星期一06:41:13 +0000 Ajit R. Jadhav 评论1462在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
回复:关于DFT的一般问题 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1453#comment-1453


我在下面简短地回答你的问题。< / p > < p > 1。DFT本身是一个变分公式。它指出“系统的基态性质只取决于电子密度”。这是一个变分表述。现在,有限元法比FD等其他方法更好因为它尊重问题的变分结构。变分公式的离散化版本和相应的Gallerkin公式都得到同一组方程。




I hope these answers are useful.

Sun, 04 Mar 2007 16:45:13 +0000 Vikram Gavini 评论1453在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
关于DFT本身的一般问题 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1445#comment-1445



(1.0)为什么人们对DFT使用有限元的变分形式? Two sub-questions...
(1.1) Why do they not use simple FDM (finite difference method)?
(1.2) Why not use Galerkin's method?

(2.0) The difference between DFT and ab initio calculations seems to be well noted in the literature. But what is the main difference between QFT and DFT?
(2.1) Why is DFT not used to analyze superconductivity?

All the following questions have this prefix: "Using the currently available DFT simulation technology..."

(3.0) Can one simulate ordinary liquids, say, water or molten tin or copper? Is there any salient difference between using DFT for solids vs. for liquids?
(3.1) Can one predict thermodynamic quantities like, say, heat of fusion?
(3.2) Can one model nucleation and growth in solidification?

(4.0) Can one model the motion of, say, a small cluster of water molecules against a backdrop of other millions of water molecules?
(4.1) Will it be possible to simulate some liquid passing through a nanotube? Can one think of any major obstacle against modeling this situation--something that would be very obvious to a DFT expert?
(4.2) Will it be possible to simulate a buckyball passing through a narrow slit? Will this simulate diffraction--as has been experimentally observed?

Thanks in advance for all your replies.

2007年3月4日星期日05:39:10 +0000 Ajit R. Jadhav 评论1445在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
Re: FEM和DFT https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1444#comment-1444




2007年3月4日,星期日,02:31:30 +0000 Vikram Gavini 评论1444在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org FEM和DFT https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1443#comment-1443

回复准连续体无轨道密度泛函理论:百万原子电子结构(DFT)计算之路< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


2007年3月4日星期日01:22:22 +0000 n Sukumar 评论1443在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
回复:很有趣 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1424#comment-1424

回复非常有趣< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">




(2)迄今为止开发的标准准连续体代码只处理位移场的粗粒化。但在离散傅里叶变换中,我们也需要对电场进行粗粒化处理,这是非平凡的。在我们的第二篇手稿中,标题为“准连续体无轨道密度泛函理论:数百万原子DFT计算的途径”(在JMPS网站上有文章,我的博客上也有链接),我们展示了我们是如何实现这一目标的。简而言之,我们使用了一种预测校正方法,并构建了一个由Lions等人的定理支持的数值方案(从分子模型到连续介质力学,ARMA 164 341, 2002)。 The non-periodic real-space approach and the finite-element discretization of OFDFT from our first manuscript ("Non-periodic finite-element formulation of OFDFT") are key to developing this scheme.

I will be really happy to discuss more with you.

星期五,2007年3月2日15:39:51 +0000 Vikram Gavini 评论1424在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
很有趣 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1421#comment-1421





2007年3月2日星期五13:20:37 +0000 Pradeep沙玛 评论1421在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 详情及申请 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1414#comment-1414

回复申请和详细信息< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">

亲爱的Henry Tan,





The other examples which I can list are : computing migration energies of these defects, studying surface reconstructions, phase transformations in materials. Once we extend this approach to the Kohn-Sham version of density-functional theory, one can study how optical, electronic and magnetic properties of complex materials (like ferro-electric, photonics materials) get influenced by defects like surfaces, domain walls and others.

There have been attempts to study these problems before, which broadly fall under the category of multi-scale modeling. But all these approaches have used heterogeneous theories to describe features at different length scales and various hypothesis are used to stitch these heterogeneous theories across the boundaries. This work differs from those approaches in an important way. We use the same physics everywhere in the domain (OFDFT) and use the power of coarse-graining to seamlessly transition from quantum mechanical length scale to continuum length scales. So we keep the same fundamental physics everywhere in the domain and play with the numerics.

I will be really happy to discuss more if you are interested.

2007年3月2日星期五04:07:25 +0000 Vikram Gavini 评论1414在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
申请及详情 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/1412#comment-1412 2007年3月2日星期五01:47:41 +0000 亨利·谭 评论1412在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org