iMechanica - Comments for "How to find sum of all nodal forces in a plane in Abaqus. " // Comments for "How to find sum of all nodal forces in a plane in Abaqus. " en Python脚本。tion //

In reply to How to find sum of all nodal forces in a plane in Abaqus.

A good solution for this problem is to make a script file ( in python that you can run in Abaqus through the File--> Run script option.

You first run your simulation which creates a odb file. You can load this odb file with abaqus and use the python script to get your reaction forces and loop over all nodes and sum them. Below I added a piece of the code I used, it doesn't does axactly what you want, but I assume you can change it according to your needs.


odb = openOdb(path='MYFILENAME.odb') #if the odb file is in your working directory
numFrame=odb.steps['MYSTEPNAME'].frames[-1] #-1 means last frame
RForce=numFrame.fieldOutputs['RF'] #RF are the reaction forces, you can also change this to U for dispalcement
regS1 = odb.rootAssembly.instances['MYINSTANCENAME'].nodeSets['MYNODESET']

FX = RForce.getSubset(region=regS1).values[0].data[0] #change the .values[0] to .values[1] or higher to change the node
FY= RForce.getSubset(region=regS1).values[0].data[1]


2010年10月结婚,20 13:55:50 + 0000 Johannes T.B. Overvelde comment 15617 at //