iMechanica - Comments for "Simple Open Source Solver" https://万博manbetx平台 Comments for "Simple Open Source Solver" en How about Elmer? //

In reply to Simple Open Source Solver

Elmer is an open source multiphysical simulation software developed by CSC. Elmer development was started 1995 in collaboration with Finnish Universities, research institutes and industry.
Elmer includes physical models of fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, heat transfer and acoustics, for example. These are described by partial differential equations which Elmer solves by the Finite Element Method (FEM).

Tue, 05 Oct 2010 02:29:28 +0000 chen xiaoliang comment 15567 at //
Thanks, I just started //

In reply to Simple Open Source Solver

Thanks, I just started looking at Calculix. I am pretty impressed by it and love the fact that it uses a similiar/same format as ABAQUS. Pretty clever idea. I am thinking it will work well, but still some investigating to do.

Tue, 14 Sep 2010 02:42:11 +0000 ESPcomposites comment 15448 at //
Simple Open Source Solver //

In reply to Simple Open Source Solver

CalculiX sounds like it might do what you want. There's two executables, a solver and a pre/post-processor. The solver uses Abaqus' input format, which you could manually create in a text editor and copy in the values you need. Alternatively, I've had some success using a VBA script to create the script based on mesh coordinates in the spreadsheet.

Sat, 04 Sep 2010 17:15:05 +0000 Joe Kelleher comment 15406 at //