iMechanica - Comments for "New Book: Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, by Jianmin Qu and Mohammed Cherkaoui" // Comments for "New Book: Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, by Jianmin Qu and Mohammed Cherkaoui" en Solutions to problems //

In reply to Solutions to problems in the new book

Anyone has solutions to the problems in the book?, even to some problmes from courses taught by the authors at metz and Gerogia Tech would help!

Sat, 04 Feb 2017 16:17:28 +0000 Echeban 评论28833年https://imechanic万博manbetx平台
Solutions to problems in the new book https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to New Book: Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, by Jianmin Qu and Mohammed Cherkaoui

Dear Professor Qu

I am a rather fresh PhD-student who is working on shape memory alloys. The main focus of my work will be on the effect of inclusions on SMA's properties and behaviour. I have taken no formal courses in micromechanics so I basically need to learn it from scratch by myself. I retrieved your book from my supervisor Prof. Zhiliang Zhang and it seems to be a good introduction to micromechanics, which is what I need. My idea is to thoroughly work trough your book to get a basic understanding of this topic. So my question to you is: Have you made solutions to the problems in teh book? And if you do, is it possible to receive a copy of these? It would be very helpful to me at the present stage of my work.

Best Regards

Jim S.


Faculty of Engineering
Science and Technology

Norwegian University of Science and technology




Thu, 01 Nov 2007 18:04:11 +0000 Jim S. Olsen 评论5726 at //
米odelling of RVE in ABAQUS //

In reply to New Book: Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, by Jianmin Qu and Mohammed Cherkaoui

Hi All,

Could anyone anyone please tell me how to model a periodic representative volume element in ABAQUS. I tried doing it by creating 2 parts, one a rectangular matrix-part with a square or circular hollow space in the center to accomodate and the second one that represents fiber or inclusion. Then defined 2 materials, each for matrix and inclusion. Finally assemble the two part instances in assembly module. Giving appropriate boundary conditions and loads, meshing the assembly and submitted he job. But it gives error messege: (For heat Transfer problem) No valid output requests have been generated, this may be due to earlier input error or specifications of a non-existant cavity or surface name. The second error messege is: A heat transfer analysis is not meaningful as there is no temperature degrees of freedom in the model.

I followed the same procedure to model the same heat transfer problem using a shell element with a single homogeneous material, the analysis runs well and gives nice results.

Please give suggestions.


米on, 18 Jun 2007 04:42:03 +0000 mafarooqi comment 3159 at //
Days when we worked on interfacial fracture mechanics //

In reply to New Book: Fundamentals of Micromechanics of Solids, by Jianmin Qu and Mohammed Cherkaoui

Jianmin: Congratulations on the new book! Thank you so much for posting the news in iMechanica. The new book reminds me of the days when I was a graduate student, studying the papers by you and John Bassani on cracks on an interface between two anisotropic materials.

Your publisher has sent my a copy of the book. It looks excellent. I've asked our library to order a copy of the book, and place it on the reserve list for a course I'm teaching.

Sat, 18 Nov 2006 20:25:33 +0000 Zhigang Suo comment 297 at //