iMechanica - Comments for "ES 240 project: Deformation of the Sarcolemma" https://万博manbetx平台 Comments for "ES 240 project: Deformation of the Sarcolemma" en Additional Comments for Sarcolemma Deformation // <我d="comment-338">

In reply to ES 240 project: Deformation of the Sarcolemma

I have posted 3 papers relevant to your project (see my blog). I will briefly discuss what I think are some important insights they offer for your project.

As you mentioned in your comment on Megan's project, choosing a simple representation of the load-bearing structures in a cell or tissue is a critical and difficult task. One of the papers I've posted discusses two possibilities: 1) Modelling a cell with uniform, "averaged" mechanical properties and 2) Modelling a cell with wire-like myofibrils and other structural elements, homogeneous and very pliable other than the chosen structural elements. In the first method, the cell can be given anisotropic material properties, as one observes in the lab.

The Circulation paper discusses the difference in observed response to the same stimulus, pressure, when applied during systole and diastole. It mights be interesting to try to answer in a heuristic way the following question in your project: given what is known about the different mechanical properties of cardiac myocytes in systole and diastole, which aspects of the difference in a cell's mechanical response to hydrostatic pressure might result in differently tranduced signals? For example, does the same change in hydrostatic pressure in systole and diastole produce different stresses in myofibrils?

Wed, 22 Nov 2006 01:11:47 +0000 丹尼·古德曼 comment 338 at //
Comments for Sarcolemma Deformation // <我d="comment-317">

In reply to ES 240 project: Deformation of the Sarcolemma

It would be interesting to apply your model to the different phases of the cardiac cycle, such as the start of diastole, when the sarcolemma would be exposed to positive pressure inside the cell at the points of myofibril attachment (due to titin acting as a spring) and a global negative pressure outside the cell. You could also relate your model to the hypothesis that the ventricle acts as a suction pump during diastole due to the presence of negative hydrostatic pressures (see reference). The reference I listed discusses the suction pump hypothesis, as well as providing values for pressures inside the ventricle during different phases of the cardiac cycle.

Buckberg, et al. Active myocyte shortening during the 'isovolumetric relaxation' phase of diastole is responsible for ventricular suction; 'systolic ventricular filling.' European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 29S (2006) S98-S106.

Mon, 20 Nov 2006 19:38:52 +0000 Megan McCain comment 317 at //