iMechanica - Comments for "iMechanica Video: Why spaghetti never snaps in half? 130,000 fps slow mo video reveals" // Comments for "iMechanica Video: Why spaghetti never snaps in half? 130,000 fps slow mo video reveals" en Another type of spaghetti //

In reply to iMechanica Video: Why spaghetti never snaps in half? 130,000 fps slow mo video reveals

This is rare, but when pole vault athletes break their pole, they always snap in more than two pieces, e.g.,

Tue, 02 Jun 2020 21:41:27 +0000 Jibril Coulibaly comment 30340 at //
There is a solution to this challenge, but with a twist //

In reply to iMechanica Video: Why spaghetti never snaps in half? 130,000 fps slow mo video reveals

In 2005, two french researchers Sebastien Neukirch and Basile Audoly explained in a PRL paper that when you bend a spaghetti stick, a vibration wave sets off from the top of the curved spaghetti throughout the rest of the stick. This “snap-back” vibration leads to the fragmentations. They later even won an Ig Nobel Prize in Physics in 2006.

In 2018, a group of researchers at MIT reported in PNAS that, by twisting the spaghetti stick really hard while bending it, one can break the stick in two halves.

I tried many times to test out the twist+bending approach in my kitchen but never succeeded to snap a spaghetti stick in half. It always snaps into at least 3 pieces. Did anyone get luck?

Tue, 02 Jun 2020 15:39:06 +0000 Teng Li 评论30338年https://imechanic万博manbetx平台