万博manbetx平台iMechanica -对“软材料断裂力学”的评论 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/21461 《软材料断裂力学》评注 你好邓, https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29181#comment-29181




2017年8月10日星期四17:15:35 +0000 荣长 评论29181,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org 嗨Ruobing, https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29180#comment-29180

回复谢谢你们< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


我的看法是能量消耗的量取决于内在韧性。较高的本征韧性可以导致更大的耗散区,从而导致更多的能量耗散。在粘弹性材料(如Gent 1996[15])或具有速率无关迟滞的材料(如Zhang等[18])中,发现耗散韧性与固有韧性成正比。虽然本征韧度的大小与耗散韧度相比可能很小,但本征韧度的增加可以通过能量耗散得到极大的放大,从而导致总韧度的大幅度增加。在这个意义上,我倾向于认为能量耗散机制是内在韧性的“放大器”。



2017年8月10日星期四16:58:18 +0000 荣长 评论29180在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
谢谢你们两位 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29179#comment-29179




然后讨论给我带来了一个问题:为什么内在韧性(或局部裂纹尖端场,或疲劳阈值)对实际工程应用很重要?我们已经知道如何通过引入能量耗散来使柔软的材料变韧。或者这样说:为什么我们要增强内在韧性(或材料的局部强度)?对此,我所熟悉的一个答案是,当前材料对循环加载的“可怕”的抗疲劳断裂性能(似乎你不能做得比Lake &托马斯·预测)。你脑子里还有别的案子吗?

Thanks again,


2017年8月10日星期四14:56:17 +0000 Ruobing呗 评论29179,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
异质材料与微结构设计 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29178#comment-29178

回复软材料断裂力学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">





Rossetti, L., l.a. Kuntz, E. Kunold, J. Schock, k.w. m ller, H. Grabmayr, J. Stolberg-Stolberg等。"肌腱-骨插入的微观结构和微观力学"Nature Materials6(2017): 664-670。


在开发精确的模型和实验来量化各种来源对韧性的贡献的同时,将软质材料的微观和中观结构与其宏观力学性能(如模量、粘度、能量耗散和韧性)联系起来也将是非常重要和具有挑战性的。事实上,双网络水凝胶和弹性体的成功源于聚合物网络之间的协同耦合。 Similar to your discussion with Ruobing, a further question may be how can we deliberately design the micro-structures to optimize the mechanical and physical properties of the soft tough materials?



星期四,2017年8月10日02:28:02 +0000 腾张 评论29178,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
谢谢! https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29177#comment-29177






2017年8月10日星期四01:29:27 +0000 JDI 评论29177,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org 谢谢!这确实是一个非常 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29176#comment-29176



2017年8月9日星期三22:11:54 +0000 荣长 评论29176:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 非常好的解释! https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29175#comment-29175




我完全同意关于内在韧性还有更多的问题,特别是如何将内在韧性与裂纹尖端分子水平的破坏机制联系起来。Lake-Thomas理论适用于交联良好的网络,但对于更复杂的网络(如物理关联网络)需要更多的理解。例如,在journal Club的参考文献[9]中,Lefranc和Bouchaud研究了琼脂凝胶的断裂(通过氢键物理连接,类似于Baumberger等人2006年研究的明胶凝胶)。有趣的是,尽管凝胶在流变试验中表现出本质上的弹性响应(即储存模量远大于损失模量,且两者都与速率无关),但测量的断裂韧性仍然与速率有关。这是由于链在被拉出连接区(类似于交联点)时的重复过程,即链的拉出受到邻近链的抵制,这可能导致有效的局部粘度。这一物理图像,虽然仍是推测性的,但表明内在韧性可能是琼脂凝胶的速率依赖。

2017年8月9日星期三22:07:06 +0000 荣长 评论29175,地址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org 亲爱的JDI, https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29174#comment-29174




如果我们按照文献将断裂能分为本征部分和耗散部分,那么本征断裂能的物理图景就是Lake和Thomas在他们早期的工作(1967 Lake &Thomas)。也就是说,理论上,本征断裂能只取决于化学网络(如链长、交联密度、含水量等),而与加载速率无关。这种理论图景很难在实践中得到验证,这与寻找合适的局部韧性测量方法有关。到目前为止,Rong确实提到了一些方法,我想进一步阐述这些方法的一些细节:

(a)在[18]中,Zhang等人将水凝胶样品预加载到非常大的拉伸,然后将样品作为新材料来测量断裂能。实测裂缝能为~300 J/m2,比Lake-Thomas模型预测的裂缝能(~10 J/m2)高出一个数量级。这种方法实施简单,但即使经过几个预加载循环,也很难排除粘弹性或其他散失对体积残余的影响。

(b) in [19], Mzabi et. al use digital image correlation to capture the full strain field in the sample during fatigue fracture test, and define a length scale H0 as the size of the highly stretched zone in the undeformed state. They then use the integral of the unloading curve and pure shear test to obtain a local energy release rate. The method is innovative, but is also limited to the requirement of obtaining the visible strain field.

(c) in [20], we use the traditional fatigue fracture test to obtain the intrinsic fracture toughness (or fatigue fracture threshold), below which fatigue fracture never happens. This method is straightforward, and gives consistent number as the Lake-Thomas model (~50 J/m2), but it really requires time-consuming cyclic loading tests under many different values of stretch per cycle.

All these methods have their advantages and shortages. Related to the study of elastomers, there is also one more method to obtain the intrinsic fracture toughness. That is to measure the fracture toughness vs. crack propagation speed (so-called G-v curve). Shaoting and Rong have discussed quite a few of this under the thread already. If one has a solid theoretical model of such behavior, the intrinsic fracture toughness can be readily derived from the experimentally measured curves. A good and successful example is the study on elastomers by Gent et. al (e.g. 1994 Gent & Lai, 1996 Gent). Following this method, there is an excellent work done by Baumberger et. al (2006 Baumberger, Caroli and Martina). They actually studied the G-v curve of a physical hydrogel, and the theoretical model is quite consistent with their experimental results. Indeed, in their paper, the local fracture energy is not rate dependent, but related to the polymer-chain-pulling-out from the network after overcoming the weak interaction between them (hydrogen bonding). I guess this study partially answers your question in the last sentence. For chemically crosslinked hydrogels, however, the study on rate dependency and intrinsic fracture energy is still not quite clear.

We will have a further work to study the intrinsic fracture toughness of a same hydrogel with different values of water content, and compare the experimental results to the theoretical prediction by the Lake-Thomas model. The comparison is not perfect, but does capture the trend. The study also indicates that there is more room for the theoretical improvement beyond the Lake-Thomas model, on predicting the intrinsic fracture toughness. We will post the paper on iMechanica once it is published.

Best regards,

Ruobing Bai

2017年8月9日星期三15:28:00 +0000 Ruobing呗 评论29174,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
谢谢! https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29173#comment-29173




2017年8月9日星期三09:09:58 +0000 JDI 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表29173号评论 谢谢! https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29172#comment-29172




2017年8月9日星期三09:09:38 +0000 JDI 评论29172,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org 是的。在多域到 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29171#comment-29171




2017年8月9日星期三06:38:05 +0000 Cai Shengqiang 评论29171:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 亲爱的Shengqiang, https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29170#comment-29170

回复非常及时的回顾< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">



2017年8月9日星期三05:43:39 +0000 荣长 评论29170,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
嗨Shaoting, https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29169#comment-29169



谢谢你的两个非常有趣的观点和引用。< / p > < p > 1。我认为延迟断裂应该与材料内部的一些动力学过程有关。对于你引用的两篇文献,这是由于键断裂和重整的动力学过程。正如你所指出的,同样的过程导致了散装材料的粘弹性。对于某些水凝胶,也可能是由于溶剂输运的动力学过程,如,这是sozhigang教授小组最近的工作)。由于这些预先存在的缺陷在本质上是随机的,人们可以在没有切割的样品的失效中观察到很大的样本到样本的变化。相反,在有切割的样品中,故意引入的裂纹是主要缺陷,用这种方法可以获得更一致的断裂韧性测量结果。< a href = " http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2012/sm/c2sm25553g ! divAbstract”>教授。 Wei Hong's paper has a nice discussion on this aspect. Perhaps one can better study the underlying mechanism of delayed fracture using samples with cuts.

2. I guess for the time-temperature superposition (in terms fracture toughness versus crack propagation velocity) to work, at least three conditions are needed: i) the dissipative toughness dominates over the intrinsic one; ii) at the time-scale of interest, viscoelasticity is the main time dependent mechanism (e.g. no significant effect of poroelasticity); iii) the bulk viscoelasticity follows the time-tempreature superposition within a wide range of strain (from small to large strain) and rates. The third condition is included because conventional characterization of viscoelasticity is done at the small strain regime, but fracture can invovle large strain at the crack tip. Under large strain, the viscoelastic relaxation kinetics may be coupled to strain. In this case, the third condition may not be satisfied and I am not sure if the time-temperature superposition relation will still hold for the fracture toughness.

2017年8月9日星期三05:38:36 +0000 荣长 评论29169:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
亲爱的JDI, https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29168#comment-29168






如果迟滞存在,j积分就变得难以解释。通常的做法是使用临界能量释放率作为断裂标准。 Things can get more complicated for dissipative materials because the critical energy release rate to initiate crack growth and to to maintain a steady-state crack growth may be different. In this case, one may measure the energy release rate as a function of crack extension length, i.e. the crack growth resistance curve.

(2) This is a great point. In a pure shear fracture test, the energy release rate can be calculated as G = W*H where H is the height of the sample. For hyperelastic materials, W is the strain energy density for material points far ahead of the crack tip. For dissipative materials with hysteresis, W should be interpreted as the work per unit volume doen to material points far ahead of the crack tip (e.g. see Section 3 of our recent paper). The critical value of G upon steady-state crack growth is the fracture toughness.

With this definition, the fracture toughness is in general not a material parameters. It includes two terms: an intrinsic toughness associated with material failure processes at the crack tip and a dissipative toughness for the energy release rate consumed in a dissipation zone surronding the crack tip. The instrinsic toughness may be a material parameter (i.e. a local fracture criterion) but the dissipative one is not. For viscoelastic materials, the latter depends on crack velocity and temperature. If the dissipation zone size is comparable to the sample size, the dissipative toughness may depend on sample size too. For material with rate-independent damage (e.g. Mullin's effect), the dissipative toughness also depends on prestretch (e.g. see Zhang et al.). However, it is very challenging to separately measure the intrinsic and dissipative toughness in experiments. Most experimental measurements so far can only provide a total fracture toughness. On the other hand, there have been many theoretical and computational efforts to solve this problem as discussed in the Journal Club.

2017年8月9日星期三04:55:51 +0000 荣长 评论29168:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
非常及时的回顾 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29160#comment-29160

回复软质材料断裂力学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">






< /div>
2017年8月2日星期三06:04:21 +0000 Cai Shengqiang 评论29160在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 你好,荣龙。 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29159#comment-29159

回复软材料断裂力学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text- Long field-label-hidden">


感谢您对软材料断裂领域的精彩总结和回顾。< / p > < p > 1。除了对有缺口的变形试样进行深入研究外,人们还通过对无缺口试样进行蠕变试验来研究延迟断裂。我把我几个月前读过的两篇论文:

Leocmach, M., Perge, C., Divoux, T., Manneville, S., 2014。蛋白质凝胶在应力作用下的蠕变和断裂。物理评论信件113,038303。< / p > < p > < span > < span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p类=“EndNoteBibliography”> < span > < / span > < span > < / span >外接程序。REFLIST >Karobi, S.N. n . n . n . n . n . n . n . n . p ., 2016。韧性聚两性聚合物水凝胶的蠕变行为和延迟断裂拉伸试验。高分子学报,49,5630-5636。

In both papers, the origin of the delayed fracture is asscociated with the thermal activated process which gives the viscoelsaticity I think . Can you give some comments on these two types of approaches: deforming the sample with cuts; and deforming the sample without cuts?

2. The following paper first reported the time−temperature superposition principle in a polyampholyte hydrogel. I wonder does this principle work for all hydrogels with viscoelasticity?

Sun, T.L., Luo, F., Hong, W., Cui, K., Huang, Y., Zhang, H.J., King, D.R., Kurokawa, T., Nakajima, T., Gong, J.P., 2017. Bulk Energy Dissipation Mechanism for the Fracture of Tough and Self-Healing Hydrogels. Macromolecules 50, 2923-2931.



2017年8月2日星期三04:02:13 +0000 linst06 评论29159:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
软质材料的韧性 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/29158#comment-29158

回复软材料断裂力学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


(1)似乎传统的断裂准则,如临界SIF, j积分可能不适用于软质材料,因为软质材料通常具有大的变形和变形滞后。我想知道在软质材料中是否有合适的裂纹扩展准则。


2017年8月2日星期三03:46:19 +0000 JDI 评论29158:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org