iMechanica - Comments for "Journal Club Theme of February 2016: Deformation Mechanics of Granular Materials: Local Deformation of Polymer-bonded Sugar at High Strain Rate Loading " // Comments for "Journal Club Theme of February 2016: Deformation Mechanics of Granular Materials: Local Deformation of Polymer-bonded Sugar at High Strain Rate Loading " en Yong, //

In reply to Journal Club Theme of February 2016: Deformation Mechanics of Granular Materials: Local Deformation of Polymer-bonded Sugar at High Strain Rate Loading


You are right recently DIC is receiving high interest for dynamic deformations measurement, and in my opinion, there are two driving factors.

1) The current improvement and capability of high speed imaging. Currently, there are cameras that can take images at a framing rate above 1 million per second and at a spatial resolution of 400×250 pixel2. . At this speed, a high-quality deformation can be measured. For example, in Hopkinson bar experiment, where the loading duration is in the order of 100 µs, we can get above 100 high-quality images for DIC analysis.

The main challenge as far as DIC as high rate loading is, measuring small deformation/strain. Small deformation is still challenging at quasi-static loading conditions, but by image averaging the data/noise ratio can be improved. Since there will be no time to take multiple images at the same loading, during high strain rate loading, noise reduction by averaging is difficult and accurate deformation/strain measurement using DIC is challenging. In the case of large deformation, the limit was the imaging system but it is improving year by year.

A detail information regarding high-speed DIC can be obtained in the paper by F. Pierron · M.A. Sutton · V. Tiwari, Experimental Mechanics (2011) 51:537–563

2) Another reason for recent increase interest in high-speed DIC is the need for understanding failure mechanisms in materials at meso-scale (between Nano and macro) including at high strain rate condition. Heterogeneous materials, like granular materials, even polycrystalline metal at mesoscale, required a full field method to capture the local deformation.

As far as I know, the first high-speed DIC based on ultrafast/high-speed X-ray is by Lu, et al ( Using PCI/radiograph x-ray and DIC they quantitatively the 3D strain fields in materials with strain noise error in the order of 10-3. Based on an optical system, I think the first high magnification DIC work is by Bodelot et al ( Using a high-speed camera, HPV-2, and Infinity K2 long-distance microscope they could map the deformation field in a copper. They achieved a spatial resolution of 15.2 μm/pixel at 500, 000 frames/sec. Recently we used HPVX-2 with Navitar lens and achieved a spatial resolution of 10.2 μm/pixel at 1 million frames/sec (

There are some challenges such as, getting the right speckle size, lighting issue and depth of field of the cameras as you go higher magnification, otherwise full field local deformation can be measured even at higher resolution.

I would like to hear from others working in the field.

Thu, 11 Feb 2016 00:25:22 +0000 addis comment 28090 at //
high-speed DIC //

In reply to Journal Club Theme of February 2016: Deformation Mechanics of Granular Materials: Local Deformation of Polymer-bonded Sugar at High Strain Rate Loading

Hi Addis,

Thanks for leading the discussion on this interesting topic in experimental mechanics. As we know, digitial image correlation (DIC) has been widely used now in measuring full-field deformation and strain from 2D to 3D. Recently I have seen that DIC is receiving increasing interest for dynamic measurements. Could you give us an update on the recent advances in high-speed DIC such as capabilities (e.g., tempo/spatial resolutions), challenges and representative applications? Thanks.

Wed, 10 Feb 2016 14:32:57 +0000 Yong Zhu comment 28087 at //
Excellent work, check out more in JDBM // <一个id = "评论- 28072 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< href="//">Journal Club Theme of February 2016: Deformation Mechanics of Granular Materials: Local Deformation of Polymer-bonded Sugar at High Strain Rate Loading

More on this work is available free in the Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials upcoming Special Issue JDBM is now accepting papers for consideration for the second issue of 2016.

Thu, 04 Feb 2016 03:43:33 +0000 en_brown 评论28072年https://imechanic万博manbetx平台