万博manbetx平台iMechanica -对"Journal Club: Response/Feedback required "的评论 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/176 对“日刊社:回应/反馈”的意见 无法链接到iMechLab https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/2299#comment-2299

回复期刊俱乐部模块< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">



2007年4月14日星期六16:01:15 +0000 亨利·谭 评论2299在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
回复:Journal Club https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/510#comment-510 2006年12月13日星期三16:49:02 +0000 Qingda杨 评论510,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org J俱乐部名称 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/508#comment-508 <一个id = "评论- 508 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< a href = " https:/万博manbetx平台/m.limpotrade.com/comment/503 #评论- 503 " >谢谢你带了这个额外的维度< / > < / em > < / p > < div class =”字段field-name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < p >我想从“主持人”一词已经在iMech用于一个特定的上下文,这里不应使用但它有正确的上下文。因此,我支持将特定月份的主题负责人称为“讨论领导”,将整体领导称为“推动者”。

2006年12月13日星期三08:56:08 +0000 MichelleLOyen 评论508在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
再保险: https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/507#comment-507




2006年12月13日星期三00:04:10 +0000 Kilho加工 评论507在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
谢谢你提出这个额外的维度 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/503#comment-503



2006年12月12日星期二14:29:08 +0000 锁志刚 评论503在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 对名字的评论 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/502#comment-502

对于Journal Club是一个讨论俱乐部,而不是一个期刊< p>






2006年12月12日星期二14:22:48 +0000 约翰·e·多尔鲍 评论502在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 我同意…… https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/501#comment-501

回复Journal Club是一个讨论俱乐部,不是期刊



2006年12月12日星期二14:00:06 +0000 Pradeep沙玛 评论501:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 杂志俱乐部是一个讨论俱乐部,不是杂志 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/500#comment-500

回复RE:关于名字< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">






Here I'm not arguing for the names like Host and Captain, but I do argue that we should avoid becoming yet another journal, or anything like a journal. To add values to the users, the Journal Club will probably function more like an offline journal club, by bringing people together to discuss an interesting theme, using a few illuminating papers as a means to the end.

What would an offline journal club or a book club or any discussion club call people like Michelle and Pradeep?

  • Host, Discussion Leader, Moderator...
  • Captain, Chair, President, Manager...

Any more ideas?

And Michelle and Pradeep: At this point, you probably care more about how to make the Journal Club absolutly fabulous and valuable than what you will be called. As the founding Host (a placeholder) and the founding Captain (another placeholder), however, would you be willing to tell us what you wish to be called, for the fun of it, and for the record? If your wishes are not too extravagant, we fellow iMechnicians might as well honor your wishes. Why not? Founding the Club is your idea.

2006年12月12日星期二13:46:14 +0000 锁志刚 评论500在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 关于名字 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/499#comment-499

回复 Journal Club的机制< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">

1。《JClub》的名字不错,但如果有更好的名字,我们可能会考虑。< / p > < p > 2。我想,对于某一期,我们可以说“客座编辑”,而不是“主持人”。< / p > < p > 3。对于JClub,我们可以使用“编辑”来代替“队长”。

2006年12月12日星期二07:06:36 +0000 Kilho加工 //m.limpotrade.com上万博manbetx平台的499号评论
JClub管理器由收集的智慧提供动力 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/498#comment-498

回复Journal club< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


星期一,2006年12月11日22:33:48 +0000 腾李 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论498
将船长改为编辑 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/497#comment-497


2006年12月11日星期一22:15:42 +0000 约翰·e·多尔鲍 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论497
好人必有善报,奥因博士! https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/496#comment-496

回复 J-club的好处< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


星期一,2006年12月11日22:13:21 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上发表评论496 让我们进化一下《日记俱乐部》的操作笔记 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/495#comment-495


< p>< a href="//m.limpotrade.com/node/176">Journal Club:回应/反馈请求


2006年12月11日星期一22:08:48 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论495 J-club的好处 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/494#comment-494 < p>对于 JClub的关注和好处< div class="field-item ">




星期一,2006年12月11日22:05:35 +0000 MichelleLOyen 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论494
杂志俱乐部 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/493#comment-493


2006年12月11日星期一19:53:43 +0000 n Sukumar 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论493
JClub的关注点和好处 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/490#comment-490

回复 < div class="万博manbetx平台field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


我一直在阅读这里关于JClub的所有有思想的评论。我同意Ravi, Zhigang, Teng等人在之前的评论中提出的许多观点。我实际上过分关注了两个问题:

1。为什么我们需要这样一个JClub?鉴于我们已经有很多优秀的期刊来挑选优秀的论文,现在我们也有iMechanica来在线讨论。万博manbetx平台JClub还能提供什么?< / p > < p > 2。JClub应该选择什么样的论文?像“最佳”、“前沿”、“震撼”这样的词可能会引起争议,并在很大程度上取决于谁以及如何进行选择。

在与志刚进行了长时间的讨论后,我现在从这些担忧中解脱出来,并开始看到JClub的好处。< / p > < p > 1。如果JClub像“小型会议”一样运行,我之前的两个担忧都将被解除。 The "host" of each month selects whatever she likes, not necessarily "the bests" or "earthshaking". She does a good job if she selects good papers and invoke good discussions. She benefits from doing this because the topics of the selected papers and discussion are most likely related to her own work.

2. By focusing on a specific topic each month, the JClub operates in a similar fashion as MRS Bulletin, but even better because of the online discussions. For one, this greatly benefits those who are entering a new field (e.g., biomaterials) to have a jump start.

3. Another "hidden" benefit is that, by selecting and discussing works from established leaders in the field (if we dare), JClub may help motivate more leaders to participate iMechanica in the long run. This would greatly benefit us (mostly the young mechanicians). While we can get all this started without worrying too much about our senior colleagues, their experience and opinions would be precious.

With no further concerns, I look forward to the first issue of JClub.


2006年12月11日星期一18:03:49 +0000 鲁伊·黄 490号评论,网址:https://imech万博manbetx平台anica.org
你们很多人可能都知道 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/488#comment-488

回复Journal Club:回应/反馈请求< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


星期一,2006年12月11日15:55:20 +0000 宁王 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上发表评论488
我在jClub上的0.02美元 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/481#comment-481

回复 2007年1月第一期?






我同意唯一的规则是它应该涉及力学或适用于力学领域。经理们应该在他们认为合适的情况下,自由地超越通常的怀疑对象(即我们都可能在某种程度上阅读的期刊)。这是我的偏好。 Frankly, I think it would be great if through jClub I found out about work I wouldn't normally have discovered otherwise.

6) I think it might be reasonable to have a post where papers can be nominated by the community. The managers could select one or more of these, but they might also choose to select something independently.

I don't think we can reasonably expect managers to sample the literature extensively. What I'd suggest is that they select a paper they've stumbled upon recently (perhaps in the course of writing a paper or proposal) that they found interesting/excellent. As such, it may not be even among the BEST papers in mechanics from that year or even that particular journal. We all have different opinions about what BEST means, and we shouldn't necessarily view jClub as a means to identify such. I would hope that on average we all simply find the papers in jClub to be interesting and accessible to mechanicians.

2006年12月11日星期一01:00:37 +0000 约翰·e·多尔鲍 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论481
J-club笔记 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/478#comment-478

回复Journal Club:回应/反馈请求< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">

(1)论文数量:如果J-club要每月运行,我支持类似主题的论文限制为3篇。< br / > (2)论文的“年龄”:我强烈支持对当前论文没有限制的想法;我们可以要求这三篇论文中的一篇是“刚出版的”,但特别是对于学科跳跃和促进力学领域的跨主题参与,“热门主题”论文可能需要与具有一些背景的旧论文相伴随。我还认为,那些经受住时间考验、在力学的某些子领域受到好评的论文是很好的;这些将有助于跨学科阅读。
(4)我强烈支持学生参与的想法,并建议一旦我们建立并运行一个由2名“主持人”组成的团队,可以包括一名学生和一名高级人员。我对投票选项很感兴趣,但怀疑Ravi上面提出的问题太笼统了,开放式问题会更有信息量。 Perhaps something more like, "In what area of mechanics is the paper's major contribution made?" (experimental, analytical, computational, etc.) "Is this paper likely to be of interest outside its core topic?" (i.e. does the information thus contained cross disciplinary boundaries within mechanics) ...

2006年12月10日星期日14:53:43 +0000 MichelleLOyen 评论478在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 我对jClub的看法 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/476#comment-476

回复 2007年1月第一期?


在您开始您的jClub时,这里有一些要点需要考虑,没有特定的顺序。< / p > < p > 1。今天访问期刊是相当容易的,如果有点笨拙的代理,重定向等。实际上,每个在jClub或iMechnica上阅读文章的人都可以通过他/她自己的图书馆订阅访问这些文章,并且可以从世界任何地方访问这些文章。所以,我建议你不要要求作者在他们自己的网站或arXiv或其他任何地方发布pdf。在短短几年内,也许更早,出版商将开始提供对所有文章的开放访问;美国国立卫生研究院支持的研究已经是这样了。我不明白为什么国家科学基金会和国防部机构不应该采取与国家卫生研究院相同的策略。< / p > < p > 2。为什么是jClub? What role could it play? At present there are two main filters in the intellectual marketplace. First, there is the peer-review process that selects papers suitable for publication. Rejection rates for many of the top journals is at or above 50%, but unfortunately many rejected articles still find a journal suitable to their level! Second, there is the readership that votes with citations. This is an imprecise measure of 'goodness' of a manuscript, but the best one we have right now. It also has a significant time delay - at least two years, and perhaps longer. Perhaps, the jClub can be an intermediate level filter that identifies the diamonds in the rough within the two year window.

3. Mechanics is a broad subject and therefore, the selection process is going to be quite difficult. Let me describe the magnitude of the problem. In the last few years about 6000+ papers have been published every year that deal with some aspect of mechanics; this is a crude lower-bound estimate and certainly does not inculde a large number of papers in materials science, geosciences, biology etc that also deal with the subject. Furthermore, published literature in mechanics is so fragmented (Eli Sternberg's comment about the Journal of Shear Stress comes to mind!) that it is difficult to cull through all of it. In this atmosphere, relevance, importance, impact etc will also depend on who does the selection, his/her domain of interest, etc. So, perhaps another major role for jClub is to sort through this and identify the good papers that would interest a broad range of mechanicians quickly - a difficult task, but worthy of attempt.

4. I gave up routine tracking of journal publications a long time ago; now I do an ISI/Engineering Village search on specific topics, authors as the need arises. These databases simply indicate existence of manuscripts and in the case of older ones some idea of its usefulness (citation history). If jClub is to be successful, it would have to augment the capabilities of such dBase searches by providing a qualitative assessment of uniqueness (quality) of the manuscript and be correct in this pronouncement consistently!

5. Pradeep's latest post laid out some good ground rules, but didn't really specify how the managers would sort through the literature to identify the ones to include in the jClub list (item #6 in his list). Here is my suggestion: Let readers - consumers - submit articles that they think are cutting edge, revolutionary, earthshaking, whatever in any area of mechanics. I think we should preculde authors from nominating their own articles. So, request nominations by the middle of the month and post the jClub selections by the end of the month. Then the task of the managers is a bit more managable! Still, the manager leaves his imprint in the selection process and has a significant role to play.

6. If fragmentation is inevitable in the era of specialization, then perhaps jClub will fragment in the future spawning jClublets devoted to specific topics.

7. There should be a polling option. After articles are listed in jClub customers should be able to express their impression simply by clicking a button; "Do you agree that this article makes a major impact on mechanics: YES or No or Maybe" I am sure someone has written an applet to do this.

8. Happy clubbing!


2006年12月10日星期日04:29:42 +0000 Ravi-Chandar 评论476在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
杂志俱乐部的机制 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/475#comment-475

回复 2007年1月第一期?


现在回顾一下Journal Club的基本机制,正如EloyTeng的评论所描述的那样。

  • 为了方便讨论,每篇论文应该在iMechanica上有一个独特的URL,由论文的作者或管理员创建。万博manbetx平台
  • 每个月,一位经理都会在她自己的博客中发布一个新问题作为条目,指向iMechanica中选定论文的url,可能还会简要介绍主题和论文。万博manbetx平台新一期将出现在iMechanica的头版。万博manbetx平台 If needed, we can make the entry stick to the top of the front page for the first week, as by this example created in iMechLab: December 2006 Advances in Shear Stress.
  • On the sidebar of iMechanica, a link to the archive of the back issues will be created.

I'll next comment on Pradeep's excellent and detailed proposal, point by point.

(1) I like the idea of two people per team. Two-way communication is an oder of magnitude easier than 3-way communication. Let's keep it simple. However, how about we have one individual serve this third-person role per year? I'd like to suggest Pradeep for this role for the first year, since it is his enthusiasm that has kept this idea alive. We should keep the work of this third person to absolute minimum, hopefully no more than updating the archive and ensuring continuity. For the latter task, I'm sure many active iMechanicians will chip in.

(2) Term limits of 2 months per team sounds just fine. A person should not serve more than one term, say, in the same year.

(3) I like the idea that anyone can be a manager.

(4) Self-perpetuation of the managing team. This point is particularly good. It gives a natural way to sustain the effort.

(5) Rules to select paper. I believe we should select papers from any source. This includes papers in traditional journals, as well as papers posted in places like arXive and iMechanica. The managers may even go out their ways to ask for drafts from individuals who have exiting papers in progress. The only requirements are (i) that the paper be accessible to a lot of people and (ii) the paper be deposited in a place with a trustworthy timestamp. I also agree with Pradeep's requirement of papers being relevant to mechanics. But the 12-month rule may be relaxed, I think. If an older paper is particularly relevant to a theme, and is not widely read, why not? The managers should avoid conflict of interest. Avoid selecting their own papers, or papers of their students and advisers, or papers by people working in the same institutions.

(6) I'd like to reiterate Teng's suggestion of having a theme each month. To focus discussion, perhaps we should further restrict the number of papers per issue. How about 5 or even 3?

About names.

  • Should we have a name for this journal club? I'm fine with the name Journal Club as a tab on the side bar. But any bright suggestions?
  • Should we call the managers each month the Hosts of the journal club? Their role will naturally go beyond selecting papers, and they will likely be active participating in the discussion. After all, they have read these papers and related papers, and should have a lot to offer.
  • Should we call the third-person that serves one-year term the Captain of the journal club?

I'd like to hear more from all of you. In particular I'd like to hear comments on

  • What are the incentives for the Hosts and the Captain to do a good job?
  • How may such a journal club benefit fellow mechanicians?
2006年12月10日星期日04:29:28 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论475
2007年1月的第一期? https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/474#comment-474



我想看看你们创建的iMech Journal,但是无法访问它。由于某种原因,它不接受我的常规iMech密码。你能告诉我如何访问它吗?我试着在iMech实验室创建一个单独的帐户,但这也不起作用。无论如何,我确实理解您关于期刊俱乐部形式的建议,而且它肯定比我想象的要简单得多(因此可能更健壮)。



大家都同意邓的帖子吗?如果是,那么,闲话少说,让我们在1月1日成立俱乐部吧!我们确实需要建立一套基本规则,这样俱乐部才能自我维持。我冒昧地在这里提出一些基本规则,供j俱乐部的轮值经理使用。 Please feel free to comment/change.

(1) How many J-club managers should be there? Ans: I suggest two managers per term, ideally with some diversity in their technical background. These two will do all the work and are rotated out when their term is complete. There has to be a third "permanent" J-club manager who is simply there for continuity and will step in if there is a real need. I suggest Zhigang for this purpose.

(2) What are the "term limits" for the J-club managers? Ans: I suggest 2 issues i.e. 2 months.

(3) Who is eligible to be a J-club manager? Ans: Everyone who claims he/she is a mechanician! Students should be especially welcomed.

(4) How are the J-club managers selected? Ans: I propose that the first two be from the few of us who have been discussing this subject at length. Once our group of 5-6 people is exhausted, the departing journal managers should be responsible to select their replacement and to advise them of the J-club rules. I nominate that Michelle and John be the first two. Teng and I can be the second two and then so on....

(5) Are there any rules on which papers can be selected? Ans: (i) We are all mechanicians with a loose mandate to promote mechanics. Keeping this in mind, I think we should insist that the selected papers MUST have mechanics content. Exceptions may be made for papers that although don't have much mechanics content, are nevertheless ripe for application of mechanics. In the latter case, the J-club manager should make this transparent.(ii) The papers must have been published within the last 12 months. There is no barrier to anyone from commenting on any paper published at any time on the iMech blog. However the purpose of the J-club is to promote discussion of contemporary literature hence the suggested restriction of 12 months.

(6) How should the J-club manager select the papers? Ans: Thats up to him/her! The implicit responsibility that comes with this job is that the manager sample the literature extensively.To promote discussion among iMechanica members who are not on this email list, I will post this on the blog also.

Best wishes,


2006年12月10日星期日01:44:08 +0000 Pradeep沙玛 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上的评论474
J-club格式 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/468#comment-468



2006年12月8日星期五18:43:30 +0000 MichelleLOyen 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上发表评论468 一个可能的期刊俱乐部? https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/464#comment-464


< div class="field-item even">

根据Zhigang和Eloy提出的journal club原型,以及来自iMechanicians的一些反馈意见,我想提出以下关于journal club的设置讨论:

参考信息(Title, abstract,万博体育平台等)的选定已发表论文,以及其完整访问的超链接首先发布在iMechanica的条目中。万博manbetx平台然后,期刊管理器收集这些条目的列表,并将链接信息保存在单独的条目中(例如,一期iMechanica journal)。万博manbetx平台然后,读者被引导到他们感兴趣的任何特定条目发表评论。通过这种方式,我们使用iMecha万博manbetx平台nica作为期刊俱乐部成员之间对话的平台。如果一篇论文中出现了任何有趣的问题,这样一篇论文的作者都会很乐意参与到互动中来。


-Teng >>>www.macroelectronics.org<<< <

2006年12月8日星期五15:05:54 +0000 腾李 评论464在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 《机械》杂志的原型万博manbetx平台 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/455#comment-455
< div class="field-item even">





We have even developed a preview journal on iMechLab, listed as a link on the right column as "iMech Journal". Please take some time to check it out and give us feedback. Notice that each issue of the journal is simply a blog entry by a regular user. You can even make your own issue. Just let either me or Professor Suo know, and we can add your issue to the journal homepage. You will need to use HTML to format a list of articles, but if you need help, click on the tag titled "serious" on the top right, and look for an article titled "Journal formatting". Remember, this is only a model and we want your feedback about what you like and what you want to change. Thank you.

2006年12月6日星期三05:27:09 +0000 Eloy维拉纽瓦 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上的评论455
谢谢你的兴趣。 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/393#comment-393


2006年11月26日,星期日,04:57:57 +0000 Eloy维拉纽瓦 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上发表评论393
中国,谢谢…我将 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/362#comment-362



2006年11月24日星期五15:07:58 +0000 Pradeep沙玛 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上的评论362
有机小组和电子期刊模块都在iMechLab上工作 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/360#comment-360


2006年11月23日星期四20:03:49 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上评论360
期刊俱乐部(重点话题) https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/358#comment-358
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2006年11月23日星期四17:29:04 +0000 n Sukumar 在//m.limpotrade.com万博manbetx平台上发表评论358 埃洛伊,进展顺利吗 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/357#comment-357




2006年11月23日星期四13:24:30 +0000 Pradeep沙玛 评论357,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org