iMechanica - Comments for "What do we want EML to be? How do we get there?" // Comments for "What do we want EML to be? How do we get there?" en Re: EML, a home and a hotel https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to What do we want EML to be? How do we get there?

The role of EML should be twofold, a home and a hotel.

On one hand, as Jimmy noted, EML intends to meet the needs of mechanics community and be the home to publish the most interesting and recent discoveries in mechanics related ressearch.

On the other hand, using the analogy between publishing in journals of other fields and staying in a hotel made by Zhigang in response to Arash, EML should also become a hotel with a brand name of mechanics for any researcher who would publish their exciting mechanics-related research. As mechanicians, from time to time we need to stay in hotels with brand names of applied physics, nanotechnology, etc. Some mechanicians may even stay so frequently in such hotels that become preferred members and be treated with better services. Now let's build a hotel with a brand name of mechanics to help other communities to reach us too.

This way, EML helps enable bidirectional interaction between mechanics and everything else.

Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:23:34 +0000 Teng Li comment 26297 at //