iMechanica - Comments for "Doing Topology Optimization Explicitly and Geometrically - A New Moving Morphable Components Based Framework" // Comments for "Doing Topology Optimization Explicitly and Geometrically - A New Moving Morphable Components Based Framework" en Dear Teng, the following are my thoughts on your comments //

In reply to Very nice work

Dear Teng,

Thank you very much for your kind words and comments. The following are some of my thoughts:

(1) I think the main contribution of this work is to provide a way to do topology optimization in an explicit and geometrical way, which cannot

be achieved easily in the current toology optimization framework. As mentioned in the manuscript, although superellipse curve is used

in the present work to represent the shape of a component explicitly, in fact, well-established NURBS and iso-parameteric modeling

techniques can also be employed to descibe the geometry of the component. In this sense, our approach establish a link between the

conventional shape optimization and topology optimization, which is currently under intensive investigation. Within the proposed

computational framework, in principle all mehthods developed for shape optimization can be employed topology optimization problems.

Futhermore, since our approach is geometrically explicit in nature, it provides a natural application yard for modern FEM analysis techniques,

such as Isogeometry Analysis. We intend to report the corresponding results in subsequent work.

(2) As for the issue of local minimum, first I would like to point out that since the objective functionals in topology optimization are usually not

lower-semi-continuous with respoct to the weak* topology of L^(infinity) sapce, usually regularization treatments are required to guarantee the

well-posedness. Under this circumstance, the topology of a optimal design is always not too complicated. As long as the final topology does

can be represeneted by the initial set of components, our approach can guarantee to include the global optimum in the design space and

therefore has the opportunity to find it. Since topology optimization problem is non-convex in nature, usually global optimum cannnot be

expected for both conventional and the proposed numerical solution approaches. As shown in our paper, standard benchmark examples,

our appoach can obtain the same results as those obtianed by conventional methods. Futhermore, since our optimization problem

is a finite dimensional one, convergence to local optimum can be guaranteed if appropriate optimization algorithms (e.g., SQP, SNOPT) are


(3) You are right the optimum design for structural stiffness should use all available materials. Actually, in all our test examples, the volume

contsraints are active for optimal sloutions. The total material volume will not be reduced through “hiding” or "overlapping" of components

since the volume of "useful" components will expand smartly during the course of optimization.

(4) In the proposed framework, the overlapping region between two components can be easily identified by an "AND" operation on their respective

level set functions (i.e., x in the overlapping region iff min (\Phi_1(x), Phi_2(x)). Once the overlapping region is identified, we can construct

a inscribed circle of this region to estimate its "thickness".

Best regards,

Xu Guo

Mon, 05 May 2014 03:01:46 +0000 Xu Guo 评论25829 //
Very nice work // <一个id = "评论- 25825 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< href="//">Doing Topology Optimization Explicitly and Geometrically - A New Moving Morphable Components Based Framework

Dear Prof. Guo,
It's a very nice work. I think this method can be viewed as an appraoch to do the optimization of a discrete truss (or frame) like structure with a continuum modelling. Of course, this method can provide much more information than the pure truss structure optimization and significantly reduce the optimization freedom compared with conventional topological methods. I have a few questions about this method:
1. Is there theoretical proof of the convergence of current method? Since the current method reduces the optimization parameters, the result of which may be viewed as a subset of those based on the conventional method, will the optimization finally stop at some local minimal configuration (i.e. not the best results can be obtained with the conventional approaches)?
2. In the current method, the structure topology can be changed by hiding some of the components. This indicates the total material volume will be reduced too, am I right? My guess is that the optimum design for structure stiffness should use as much as possible materials.
3. Related to 2, I have another question that how to define the thickness for the overlapped region (joint or fully overlapped part) ?

2014年5月04日太阳15:51:48 + 0000 Teng zhang comment 25825 at //