iMechanica - Comments for "Carbon nanotubes" https://万博manbetx平台 Comments for "Carbon nanotubes" en 碳纳米管的建模 //

In reply to Carbon nanotubes

Dear Guoxin

thanks for the contribution in field of carbon nantotube area. I have quick equation about this area of study.

I am doing study about mechanical and thermal behavior of carbon nanotube as a proposed interconnect candidate in field of electronics.

I am planning to use Ansys FEA software to model and study that behavior. the hard part I am facing is how to build the strucutre inside Ansys and to keep tracking the geometry for different chirlity and diameters. Do you have any suggestation in this issue. Could you also tell me if it is possible to build the geometry in another CAD propgram and then export it in Ansys keeping in mind the capability of Ansys to be compatiable with the proposed CAD program.

Thanks in advance.

Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:15:51 +0000 kaddor2008 comment 13802 at //