iMechanica - Comments for "Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)" // Comments for "Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)" en cohesive element:NODE NUMBERING MIGHT NOT BE CORRECT FOR ELEMENT //

In reply to Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)


I'm still stuggling with this problem. Using an in-house matlab code, I added the cohesive elements in the triangle mesh grid that had been produced in Abaqus prior. An error message lists as:


I double checked all the cohesive elements with the error message and didn't find any problem with them. They are all connected by 4 nodes in a counter-clockwise direction. And I also tried the ways proposed by all you and it is still unresolved.

Is this somehow related to the way that the triangle mesh was made? Because the sweep technique seems not to be activated for a 2D complex region with the curved geometry.

妈,06年Apr 2015 12:58:37 +0000 yoyo Li comment 27088 at //
与无关 //

In reply to Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)

nothing to do with the stacking. to solve the problem, u should give a thickness to the cohesive layer in the curved regions. generally there is no problem with the straight regions

Sun, 15 Mar 2015 00:16:27 +0000 hgulasik comment 27007 at //
Hi, //

In reply to hi steven,


Please check the stacking sequence of all your cohesive elements. All elements should have the same stacking sequence. Also flipping the sweep direction during meshing solves the "node numbering might not be correct" error for me.

Mon, 12 Jan 2015 04:52:17 +0000 anshulfy comment 26764 at //
嗨,史蒂文, //

In reply to Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (A

hi steven,

ı am struggling with the same problem.

i use python to build the zero thickness cohesive elements, some cohesive elements is fine but the others have the same problem as you.

have you solved this problem?

Tue, 18 Nov 2014 12:17:24 +0000 Yufei comment 26580 at //
Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (A //

In reply to Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)

hi frank,

i was able to check the answer at last.

but the answer is not a complete answer. problem is still open !

thanks for your support


Tue, 23 Jul 2013 15:55:57 +0000 hgulasik comment 24682 at //
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In reply to Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)

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and read Answer ID 4229

Node numbering error with zero thickness cohesive elements


Tue, 16 Jul 2013 21:13:03 +0000 Frank Richter comment 24637 at //
Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (A // <一个id = "评论- 24631 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< href="//">Cohesive (zero thickness): NODE NUMBERING MIDE NOT BE CORRECT (Abaqus)

hi steven,

ı am struggling with the same problem. i know it is somehow related to sweep path, but could not get the exact answer.

have you been able to get the answer?

Tue, 16 Jul 2013 12:14:52 +0000 hgulasik comment 24631 at //