iMechanica - Comments for "How to make a hyperlink?" // Comments for "How to make a hyperlink?" en 我碰巧使用TinyMCE //

In reply to How to make a hyperlink?

I happen to use TinyMCE on my petition site. I had my coder implement it into the place where users actually create their petitions. I feel like it gives them a little more creative freedom.

Mon, 18 Aug 2008 00:49:12 +0000 Barry Koscheck comment 8518 at //
你可以尝试按钮 //

In reply to How to make a hyperlink?

iMech uses a rich-text editor called TinyMCE. You can try out the buttons on this website.

Mon, 11 Sep 2006 20:49:45 +0000 Zhigang Suo comment 32 at //
A visualized version of the above instruction //

In reply to How to make a hyperlink?

I made a video to demonstrate how to post in your blog, and how to add hyperlinks in your post. See the video here.

Mon, 11 Sep 2006 17:29:18 +0000 Teng Li comment 29 at //