iMechanica - Comments for "Postdoc position on multiaxial fatigue" https://万博manbetx平台 Comments for "Postdoc position on multiaxial fatigue" en Postdoc position on multiaxial fatigue - 2nd call https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Postdoc position on multiaxial fatigue

A post-doc position is available at the VSB - Technical University Ostrava (Czech Republic) on multiaxial fatigue. Because VSB-TUO joined us in the FADOFF project on validating multiaxial fatigue criteria, the FADOFF consortium expects a close cooperation with the successful applicant. A deadline for delivering the application form is November 28, 2012. See this link for a more detailed information - the position on the multiaxial fatigue is the fourth one in K module.

Best regards,


Tue, 20 Nov 2012 13:17:59 +0000 pragtic comment 21925 at //
Still vacant https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Postdoc position on multiaxial fatigue

Well, because we spread the information too late, the position remains vacant. It is expected that the call will be opened again in the start of 2013. Keep that in mind if interested.



星期四,2012年8月23日14:46:33 + 0000 pragtic comment 19540 at //