iMechanica - Comments for "Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Geometry Processing and FEM/BEM" // Comments for "Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Geometry Processing and FEM/BEM" en Lectures online: Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Geometry Processing and FEM/BEM

The workshop web page is now complete. You can find links to all lectures and posters [PDFs] and also a summary report on the workshop.

Fri, 24 Aug 2012 21:40:13 +0000 N. Sukumar comment 19548 at //
Deadline Extended: Travel Fellowship Applications //

In reply to Workshop on Generalized Barycentric Coordinates in Geometry Processing and FEM/BEM

Please note that the deadline for travel fellowship applications to attend this workshop has been extended to June 26, 2012. For details on the application, please see

Thu, 21 Jun 2012 05:50:27 +0000 N. Sukumar comment 19200 at //