万博manbetx平台iMechanica -对“2012年2月期刊俱乐部主题:形式与功能的弹性不稳定性”的评论 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/11812 《2012年2月杂志社主题:形式与功能的弹性不稳定性》评论 利用圆柱壳的后屈曲行为 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/26011#comment-26011 2014年7月11日星期五12:46:07 +0000 南胡 评论26011在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 一维梁柱屈曲分析 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/20115#comment-20115


我用变分方法模拟了轴向和侧向荷载下的一维梁柱问题。有4个元素,每个节点有两个自由度。控制方程如下所示。< / p > < p >([可]- p(公斤))(Δ)= (F) < / p > < p >,弹性刚度矩阵[可]= < / p > < p > p =屈曲载荷< / p > < p >几何刚度矩阵(公斤)= < / p > < p >全球自由度矩阵(Δ)=和< / p > < p > (F) =侧向加载在每个节点。


Brahmendra S Dasaka。< / p > < p > < / p > < p > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > < ul类=“链接”> <李类=“comment_forbidden第一去年”> < span > < a href = " / user /登录吗?destination=node/11812%23comment-form">登录register发表评manbetx体育论 2012年10月5日星期五05:12:27 +0000 dasakab 评论20115:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 这是纸的链接 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/19122#comment-19122 <一个id = "评论- 19122 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< a href = " https:/万博manbetx平台/m.limpotrade.com/comment/18529 #评论- 18529 " >平衡的相关性在进化的问题< / > < / em > < / p > < div class =”字段field-name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“> < p >这是链接纸Prof.Amit Acharya指< / p > < p > < a href = " //m.limpotrade.com/node/12588 " > //m.limpotrade.com/node/12588 < / > < / p > < p > < / p >

2012年6月10日,星期日,01:52:07 +0000 Likun谭 评论19122在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 看起来不错 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18591#comment-18591



Eric Mockensturm


2012年3月1日星期四13:18:03 +0000 ericmock 评论18591:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 最后几个 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18584#comment-18584


< J. Jiang, E. Mockensturm,“轴向驱动屈曲梁运动放大器的设计与实验”,《非线性动力学》,vol. 43, no. 1。4,第391-409页,2006。

蒋杰,E. Mockensturm,“轴向驱动屈曲梁的运动放大器”[j]。建模与分析,《非线性动力学》,第45卷,第1-14页,2006年。

N. Goulbourne, E. Mockensturm和M. Frecker,“使用介电弹性体的电弹性球膜的动态驱动”,ASME 2005国际机械工程大会和博览会,2005年,vol. 2005, pp. 227-237。

E. Mockensturm和N. Goulbourne,“介质弹性体的动态响应”,《力学学报》,vol. 41, no. 1。3,第388-395页,2006。

Eric Mockensturm

< /a>

2012年2月29日星期三15:43:38 +0000 ericmock 评论18584:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
随机扰动通过动力学方法 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18574#comment-18574

回复随机摄动方法< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


感谢您指出这种方法,这是我最喜欢的方法。除了我和志刚在粘性层上所做的两项早期工作外,我的小组还将这种方法扩展到粘弹性基材上,现在已经总结在一本书的章节中(即将出版;预印本可在< A href="//m.limpotrade.com/node/1万博manbetx平台2022">//m.limpotrade.com/node/12022处获得。正如Zhigang所指出的,这种方法有其自身的局限性,但我希望看到它被更频繁地用于补充其他方法(平衡和分岔分析)。


2012年2月29日星期三02:32:00 +0000 鲁伊·黄 评论18574:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
对称和分岔 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18538#comment-18538



星期一,2012年2月27日06:48:57 +0000 锁志刚 评论18538在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 嗨,志刚,这是一个 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18536#comment-18536



从这个线程中缺少的东西(据我所见)是一般分叉(两条平衡路径交叉)仅在问题中存在对称性时发生的事实。在一般情况下,只有拐点(或极限负荷,有时称为“鞍节点”分岔)可能发生。当对称存在时,很可能出现在多个路径在单个分岔点交叉的分岔。池田和木田的著作《结构和材料中的不完美分叉》,第二版。Springer 2010是这些想法的最新参考。


我只知道两个代码(类似于AUTO和LOCA)这样做。其中一个叫做SYMCON,是由Karin Gatermann和Andreas Hohmann开发的。不幸的是,据我所知,这个代码不再被积极使用或开发(不幸的是,Gatermann在年轻时就去世了)。[参考文献为Gatermann and Hohmann, Impact of computing in science and engineering, 3(1991)]。

其他代码是我自己写的。我开发了一个相当通用的代码,它利用了许多分岔问题中的群论结果,并用它来研究形状记忆合金中的马氏体相变。(例如,艾略特、特里安塔菲利迪斯和肖。 JMPS 2011, 216-236). The code is reasonably general, but has many features specific to the study of materials from the atomistic modeling perspective. The code has gone under a few names, starting with simply LatticeStatices, then BFBSymPac, and now (hopefully the final name): SyBFB -- "Symmetry aware Branch-Following and Bifurcation" Package. [Pronounced "Sib-fib", with both i's being short.]

The code is not widely distributed, yet. I have plans for an effort to make it more general and user-friendly and then release it under an open source license. However, at the moment it is available from me directly by specific request.

If you are interested in these ideas and have more questions, I'm happy to discuss this great topic further.


Ryan S. Elliott

星期一,2012年2月27日03:55:05 +0000 ellio167 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18536
不稳定性和APS https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18535#comment-18535



  1. 星期二(8a-11a): 棒材
  2. 星期二(11:15a-2:15p): 盘子
  3. 星期二(2:30p-5:30p): 折纸,折痕,&;折叠
  4. 星期三(8a-11a): 结构的形式&函数
  5. 星期三(11:15a-2:15p): 贝壳&拍摄
  6. 周四(8a-11a): 生物系统&结构
  7. 星期四(11:15a-2:15p): 流体结构相互作用&肿胀
  8. 星期四(2:30p-5:30p): 骨折,摩擦,&频率

希望在那里见到你!< / p > < p > doug < / p > < p > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > < ul类=“链接”> <李类=“comment_forbidden第一去年”> < span > < a href = " / user /登录吗?destination=node/11812%23comment-form">登录或register to post comments 星期一,2012年2月27日01:11:59 +0000 道格拉斯·P·福尔摩斯 评论18535在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 回复:平衡在进化问题中的相关性 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18530#comment-18530

回复平衡在进化问题中的重要性< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


  1. 索之,"< a href="http://www.seas.harvard.edu/suo/papers/066.pdf">材料微观表面的运动,"应用力学进展 33 193-294(1997)。李李< / > < > Z。Suo, 进化中的小结构。课堂笔记。
2012年2月26日星期日18:40:00 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18530 平衡与进化问题的关系 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18529#comment-18529











看例子2.2——这是标准的松弛振荡例子,在大多数情况下,平衡点是相关的极限(把例子中的x想象成上面的Zhigang的p)。一个小的变化可以使这个动力学适应我们在力学中非常熟悉的通常的上下应力-应变或机电响应。 However, then look at Example 5.1 and you see how the equilibria become completely irrelevant (they are unstable). I suspect a similar thing happens in the GL case too.

Also, these are not academic examples - if one does MD or complicated nonlinear systems as arise in continuum mechanics (e.g. models capable of predicting microstructure with length scales, e.g. //m.limpotrade.com/node/9906), one should expect such things to be the rule rather than the exception.

Thus, there is more to life and evolution than equilibria, as important as the stable latter ones are. And, it is very worth learning about dynamics too - for practical and realistic reasons, because in many situations that, and not statics), is the only way to undestand limit *slow* evolution. A first cut at some progress for practical applications is in


and a student, Likun Tan, will present her work in this forum related to such matters soon.

In connection to bifurcation analysis of equilibria in the context of solid mechanics, perhaps readers here should be aware of the very nice works of Ryan Elliott (U. of Minnesota) and Tim Healey (Cornell).

- Amit

2012年2月26日星期日17:29:28 +0000 Amit Acharya 评论18529:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
接下来是什么?不稳定性:多样性和统一性 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18527#comment-18527




。微加工技术的发展使我们能够制造复杂的结构。失稳是结构的一种特性,但我们没有一种系统的方法来设计一个结构来产生理想的失稳。不稳定不再是失败的一种模式; it is a feature.

A catalog of many kinds of instability. Instability may be classified one way or another, but perhaps it is useful to know a large number of them, before we attempt to classify them or unify them. Here is a partial list:

  • Buckling of thin structures
  • Imperfection sensitivity
  • Snap
  • Wrinkles
  • Creases
  • Cavitation
  • Shear bands
  • Phase transition (nucleation and growth)
  • Symmetry breaking
  • Fracture

We may witness a change of emphasis in mechanics education in coming years.

2012年2月26日星期日12:27:00 +0000 锁志刚 评论18527,地址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
Re:随机扰动方法 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18526#comment-18526

对于随机摄动方法< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


dx/dt = f(x,p),




f(x,p) = 0确定。

For a fixed value of parameter p, this is an algebraic equation for x. Each solution to this algebraic equation gives a state of equilibrium of the system. When f(x,p) is nonlinear function of x, multiple solutions are possible for a given p. Once you plot all solutions as p varies, you get a general view of the system. The amount of work can be considerablly less than full dynamic simulation.

These two approaches are described well in many textbooks. Here is a readable one: Practical Bifurcation and Stability Analysis by Rudiger Seydel.

2012年2月26日,星期日,11:48:00 +0000 锁志刚 评论18526:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 随机摄动法 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18495#comment-18495


一个主要的优势可能是模拟不稳定性,不仅涉及弹性,而且涉及其他耦合的物理现象。教授们的研究就是一个例子。soo和Rui Huang在粘性基底上的薄膜上的研究[1,2],其中流固耦合是至关重要的。我们可以用固体力学方程来描述薄膜,用斯托克斯方程来描述粘性层,给薄膜一个广谱摄动,然后让模拟继续进行。这种方法可能具有真正的预测能力,即在没有先验模态知识的情况下预测不稳定性。

I can see one limitation: snap buckling instabilities would be difficult to capture. But might this approach be fruitful for instabilities in which amplitude remains continuous at the instability? Indeed, we have done some work (not yet published, but to be presented in the upcoming APS meeting) and are able to quantitatively simulate the "radial wrinkles" problem[3,4] using a random perturbation.

There are some examples of using random perturbations with excellent success[5,6]. Could someone comment on why this approach is not more popular, especially in problems where the mode cannot be predicted by standard eigenvalue analysis?

  1. Huang, R.; Suo, Z. "Wrinkling of a compressed elastic film on a viscous layer", J. Appl. Phys. 2002, 91, 1135.
  2. Liang, J.; Huang, R.; Yin, H.; Sturm, J. C.et al. "Relaxation of compressed elastic islands on a viscous layer", Acta Materialia 2002, 50, 2933.
  3. Geminard, J. C.; Bernal, R.; Melo, F. "Wrinkle formations in axi-symmetrically stretched membranes", Eur. Phys. J. E 2004, 15, 117.
  4. Cerda, E. "Mechanics of scars", J. Biomech. 2005, 38, 1598.
  5. Yin, J.; Cao, Z. X.; Li, C. R.; Sheinman, I.et al. "Stress-driven buckling patterns in spheroidal core/shell structures", PNAS 2008, 105, 19132.
  6. Li, B.; Jia, F.; Cao, Y.-P.; Feng, X.-Q.et al. "Surface Wrinkling Patterns on a Core-Shell Soft Sphere", Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011, 106.
2012年2月24日星期五13:53:30 +0000 velankar 评论18495,网址为https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
我想这里的人可能会 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18476#comment-18476 2012年2月23日星期四06:45:34 +0000 刘本 评论18476:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 利用不稳定性:下一步是什么? https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18474#comment-18474







-- Biswajit

2012年2月23日星期四01:13:45 +0000 Banerjee Biswajit 评论18474:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
接下来是什么? https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18465#comment-18465




2012年2月22日星期三13:01:11 +0000 道格拉斯·P·福尔摩斯 评论18465:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org ABAQUS中的Riks方法 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18349#comment-18349

回复 arlength在ABAQUS中是如何定义的?



2012年2月11日星期六04:50:00 +0000 利华国际金 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18349 软机器:增强的功能和极致的性能 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18348#comment-18348



到目前为止,我们已经讨论了不稳定性的快速时间尺度,在双稳态系统中保持理想状态而不消耗能量的可能性以及其他一些方面。我们还应该考虑用小信号触发需要相对大量能量的事件的可能性。如果我们将机械能储存在一个系统中,并在接近不稳定的边缘操作它,少量的“控制”能量可能足以触发一个事件,而这个事件需要大量的外部能量,而不需要利用不稳定。 That aspect may be very useful to build sensors, mechanical triggers or amplifiers. Especially for systems that require two distinctly different mechanical deformation states (such as Braille displays or haptic systems in general that require "on" and "off" states), easily switchable bistable systems will be very useful.

Maybe in our effort to increase the functionality of soft machines by harnessing instabilities we should also look into different fields and draw analogies. In electronics an ohmic resistor effects a linear dependence of electrical current on applied voltage. In contrast, a diode exhibits a highly nonlinear response and particularly a tunnel diode (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_diode) even shows a N-shaped correlation between electrical current and voltage. Each of these devices can be used for specific purposes and each modification of the current-voltage characteristics results in an altered functionality of the device. Similarly, we can try to utilize modified versions of the stress-strain, pressure volume, ... characteristics of mechanical systems to span their functionality over as diverse application fields as we have for ohmic resistors and diodes.

2012年2月11日星期六01:14:02 +0000 Christoph Keplinger 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18348
不稳定:是敌是友? https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18336#comment-18336




对于介电弹性体,不稳定性以机电不稳定性的形式发生。在电压作用下,电介质弹性体变薄会产生更大的电场。在某种程度上,积极的反馈随之而来。在相同电压下,弹性体以较小的驱动应变(通常为< 30%), to a thin state with extremely large actuation strain (near the limiting strain, typical values for elastomers are in the order of 1000%). This extremely large strain almost always renders the elastomer to fail by dielectric breakdown, thereby crippling its function as an actuator. To turn this foe into a friend, one may either: Find a dielectric with an extremely large dielectric strength (> 1000 MV/m), or find a way to bring the limiting strain closer to the point of instability. The latter seems to be an easier way out.

A direct way is to apply pre-stretch on the elastomer. This brings the start point closer to the limit. Pelrine et. al., in his now classic 2000 Science Paper [1], has inadvertently exploited this fact to achieve an actuation strain of > 100%. A second way is to choose a polymer that has "shorter" chains, which limits its mechanical strain to a level where it allows the snap to survive dielectric breakdown. Ha et. al. has exploited this by designing polymer networks with short chains, interspersed within long chain polymers [2]. Both works have essentially made a friend out of instability, by allowing the polymer to safely snap into a large strain region, without dielectric breakdown taking place.

We crystallized these observations by using a model for dielectric elastomers [3]. Our model allows one to construct phase diagrams indicating regions of safe and unsafe snapping. By modifying the mechanical and electrical properties of the dielectric elastomer, one may achieve large actuations of above 500% by simply pre-stretching it. This provides a guide to materials selection and design to achieve large actuation strains.

But there is a caveat: Large actuation strains create large leakage currents. Experimental observations have shown that the current that leaks through a polymer dielectric increases exponentially with the applied field [4]. It is possible for a dielectric elastomer with an extremely good actuation performance, to be an energy-wasting device [5]. Excessive leakage currents may also put the dielectric at the verge of dielectric breakdown.

There exist layers of considerations in harnessing instabilities. An apparent foe may be turned into a friend, but it may in fact still be a foe. One certainly has to balance practical considerations with the desired function, and therein lies one exhilarating challenge for problems in instability.

[1] Pelrine, R.; Kornbluh, R.; Pei, Q.; Joseph, J. Science 287, 836–839 (2000).

[2] Ha, S. M.; Yuan, W.; Pei, Q. B.; Pelrine, R. Adv. Mater. 18, 887–891 (2006).

[3] Soo Jin Adrian Koh, Tiefeng Li, Jinxiong Zhou, Xuanhe Zhao, Wei Hong, Jian Zhu, Zhigang Suo. Mechanisms of large actuation strain in dielectric elastomers. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 49, 504-515 (2011).

[4] T. A. Gisby, S. Q. Xie, E. P. Calius, and I. A. Anderson, Proc. SPIE 7642, 764213 (2010).

[5] Choon Chiang Foo, Shengqiang Cai, Soo Jin Adrian Koh, Siegfried Bauer, Zhigang Suo. Model of dissipative dielectric elastomers. Journal of Applied Physics 111, 034102 (2012).

2012年2月10日星期五07:48:00 +0000 艾德里安S. J.高 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18336
功能设计原则 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18324#comment-18324

回复操作处于不稳定边缘的设备< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">





I think the key is identifying the benefits of specific mechanical instabilities and combining those ideas with desirable functionality.

[1] A.J. Crosby, M. Hageman, A. Duncan, Controlling Polymer Adhesion with "Pancakes", Langmuir, 21, 25, (2005).

[2] T. Thomas and A.J. Crosby, Controlling Adhesion with Surface Hole Patterns, J. Adhesion, 82, 3, (2006).

[3] D.P. Holmes and A.J. Crosby, Snapping Surfaces, Advanced Materials, 19, 21, (2007).

星期四,2012年2月9日14:57:31 +0000 道格拉斯·P·福尔摩斯 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18324 在不稳定的边缘操作设备 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18318#comment-18318

回复 2012年2月Journal Club主题:Form and Function的弹性不稳定性



因此,当弹性体被证明可以获得超过100%的电压诱导应变时,这是特别有趣的。大的驱动是通过预拉伸薄片实现的。 We now understand that the pre-stretch in this case eliminates the electromechanical instability. But the elastomer is still near the verge of the instability, so that the voltage can induce large deformation.

In nearly all reported cases of observing large voltage-induced deformation, the devices operate near the verge of instability. That is, the operation of large-actuation dielectric elastomers is closely linked to electromechanical instability. Here instability is not failure; it is a feature.

An analysis of a particularly simple setup and an experimental demonstration are given in two recent papers:

In your initial post, you have discussed examples of using instability to design devices. Xuanhe and Katia gave several more examples. Perhaps we can talk more about such experience, so that some basic principles will emerge.

2012年2月9日星期四08:14:00 +0000 锁志刚 评论18318,网址为https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org
分岔跟踪代码库 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18317#comment-18317

回复回复回复< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


  • 这篇论文很好地回顾了用于分岔跟踪的通用代码:已经开发了大量的代码。
  • 本文还强调了LOCA是一个分支库,它与应用代码是分离的。
  • 本文对算法进行了简要的总结。
  • 本文还展示了如何结合LOCA和PDE代码来分析瑞利-贝纳德对流。



One more question for you. You said things can be interesting during a snap. In our problems, the system snaps to a stable state of equilibrium, so we don't study transitent closely. Can please you point to examples where transients after snap is interesting to study?

2012年2月9日星期四07:51:00 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18317
有多个解的非线性方程的数值 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18315#comment-18315




分支。 And given that a typical FE discretization can lead to
very high dimensional systems, this can become a significant challenge.

Also note that in problems like the snap-through (e.g.,
curved beams or panels) the actual system response after it snaps is transient.
In these problems, if the primary branch has a segment with unstable
configurations, from a physical point of view the system has to “jump” over
this segment and retrieve another (remote) stable configuration. So it is no longer a problem of identifying
an equilibrium point.

If p is not a scalar, there also exist multi parameter
continuation algorithms. Sandia has a code, LOCA that can do that http://www.cs.sandia.gov/LOCA/ To the best of my knowledge, commercial FE codes like ABAQUS
or ANSYS do not have an equivalent option. I have no personal experience with LOCA so I cannot comment
on how reliable it is for very complex problems. In my research I am interested
in finding the critical states (snap-through events) of systems with multiple
parameters. The solution manifold in these cases is extremely rich. Finding the
primary solution path and identifying the stability of those configurations is
definitely doable. The biggest challenge is to find robust time integrators to
obtain the transient post snap response. In many cases snap-through is also
closely related to chaos, at least in the type of systems I am looking at.

星期四,2012年2月9日03:25:12 +0000 ilinca 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18315 材料不稳定 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18312#comment-18312

回答数值处理不稳定性的方法< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


几句话,摘自一位博士后最近的工作。对于具有材料和/或几何非线性的非线性有限元结构分析,广义位移控制方法(GDCM)似乎是首选方法:在存在回跳、极限点和/或软化行为的情况下,很好地跟踪载荷-位移路径。该算法源于Yang and Shieh (1990),被广泛应用于结构分析规范中。在我们的工作中,我们使用GDCM对钢筋混凝土结构进行max-ent建模,它在捕获软化分支方面表现出色:混凝土的本构行为包括通过旋转涂抹裂缝带模型进行的材料降解。通过谷歌搜索可以找到许多关于GDCM的好评论。如果有兴趣,可以询问博士后(他现在回到意大利)进一步的细节。

2012年2月8日星期三20:39:00 +0000 n Sukumar 评论18312在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org ABAQUS中的弧长 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18310#comment-18310

回复Re: ABAQUS中的arlength < div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">








2012年2月8日星期三16:24:24 +0000 m . Jahanshahi 评论18310在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
回复:在ABAQUS的弧长 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18308#comment-18308

回复 ABAQUS中的arlength < div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


2012年2月8日星期三14:54:58 +0000 锁志刚 在//m.limpotrade.com上发万博manbetx平台表评论18308
ABAQUS中的弧长 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18304#comment-18304

回复 arlength在ABAQUS中是如何定义的?




2012年2月8日星期三11:39:36 +0000 m . Jahanshahi 评论18304,网址为https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org 数值处理不稳定性的方法 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18302#comment-18302

回复我模拟机械不稳定性的经验< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">

亲爱的Shengqiang:感谢您分享您的经验和想法。在Rudiger Seydel所著的《实用分岔与稳定性分析》一书中,将非线性方程的数值分析分解为以下任务:

  1. 在解的一个分支上找到一个解。
  2. 跟踪解的分支。
  3. 注意分叉点。
  4. 当到达分叉点时,从一个解的分支切换到另一个分支。


f(u, p) = 0

其中u是n个分量的向量,p是标量,f是n个函数的集合。对于给定的p值,满足f(u, p) = 0

在力学的背景下,我们可以把u看作是描述系统构型的一组广义坐标,p是施加的载荷,f (u, p) = 0是平衡条件。非线性代数方程组可以由非线性微分方程的非离散化得到。

看来书中描述的数值方法应该适用于有限元分析。 For example, the methods should readily handle diffused modes of instability, such as buckling and snap-through instability.

Localized instability, however, will pose specific issues. You have mentioned crease. One may also mention cavitation, shear bands, and fracture. In the localized instability, one may need to add additional ingredients to the original PDE. For example, in dealing with cavitation, one may as well add a small cavity to begin with. I also really like your approach to simulate the formation of crease:

Shengqiang Cai, Katia Bertoldi, Huiming Wang, and Zhigang Suo. Osmotic collapse of a void in an elastomer: breathing, buckling and creasing.
Soft Matter 6, 5770-5777(2010).

You simply add a crease-like defect into the mesh. To some extent, your appoach addresses task 1. One can still use generic methods for the remaining tasks.

As you pointed out, "adding new ingredient" to the original PDE require experimental observations and physical insight.

Perhaps we already have a sensible approach to deal with instability numerically. We just stick to the generic tasks as much as we can. For any "additional ingredients", we ask why we need them, and whether we can abstract them to solve other problems.

I'd like to hear more from you and others concerning the general approach to simulate and discover instability.

2012年2月8日星期三10:46:00 +0000 锁志刚 评论18302在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
在ABAQUS中弧长是如何定义的? https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/18301#comment-18301


Riks方法在Rudiger Seydel的《Practical bif岔and Stability Analysis》一书的第4.5节中讨论。这是一种选择参数的方法,该参数允许计算机跟踪包含拐点的解的分支。在一个公式中,参数选择为在所有位移空间和加载参数(即n+1空间)中定义的弧长。


2012年2月8日星期三10:10:00 +0000 锁志刚 评论18301在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org