iMechanica - Comments for "Journal Club Theme of November 2011: Hierarchical Mechanics of Diatom Algae: From Atoms to Organism and Weakness to Strength" // Comments for "Journal Club Theme of November 2011: Hierarchical Mechanics of Diatom Algae: From Atoms to Organism and Weakness to Strength" en Re: Experimental Testing https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Experimental testing

Thank you for your comment and for bringing attention to these papers from our group. We are very much looking forward to seeing the results of your experimental testing.


Mon, 28 Nov 2011 02:21:18 +0000 Leon Dimas comment 17737 at //
Re: Nice Story //

In reply to Nice story

Thank you for your comment and for sharing these interesting papers. It is truly fascinating to see how nature optimizes structures at such fine length scales in order to create high performance materials in many different environments.

Certainly, meticulous experimental and computational studies can help to provide insight into the mechanisms nature uses in its design of materials. Also, as these papers highlight, it is essential to view the structure and properties of biological materials in light of their environment in order to fully understand nature's design principles.

Sun, 27 Nov 2011 19:15:02 +0000 Leon Dimas comment 17734 at //
Experimental testing // <一个id = "评论- 17719 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< href="//">Journal Club Theme of November 2011: Hierarchical Mechanics of Diatom Algae: From Atoms to Organism and Weakness to Strength

This is a very interesting topic and presented here in an instructive and ordered manner. My pre-master project is inspired by the ongoing modeling of these silica structures, and I am trying to obtain some experimental values of the strength of the Coscinodiscus sp. diatom. With the combination of FIB and nanoindentation-techniques, I am trying to extract information from the different layers, especially the cribrum and foramen layers, and see if the size effect as described by Prof. Buehler and his group can be seen experimentally.

A. P. Garcia and M. J. Buehler. "Bioinspired nanoporous silicon provides great toughness at great deformability." Computational Materials Science,
48(2):303–309, 2010.

D. Sen and M. J. Buehler. "Atomistically-informed mesoscale model of deformation and failure of bioinspired hierarchical silica nanocomposites." International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2(4):699–717, 2010.

Tue, 22 Nov 2011 14:51:39 +0000 Sindre H. Bjørnøy comment 17719 at //
Nice story //

In reply to Journal Club Theme of November 2011: Hierarchical Mechanics of Diatom Algae: From Atoms to Organism and Weakness to Strength

This is a very interesting topic. I think the final goal is how to learn from nature and how to identify the key, the design principles, and often subtle structural features that govern the mechanisms underlying the superior properties and to then fabricate synthetic materials that fully duplicate nature’s design.

Another example is the design of biological armor from Prof. Ortiz group and Prof. Boyce group at MIT.

Bruet, B. J. F.; Song, J.; Boyce, M. C.; Ortiz, C., “Materials Design Principles of Ancient Fish Armor,” Nature Materials, 7(9), 748-756, 2008

Wang, L., Song, J., Ortiz, C., and M. C. Boyce, “Anisotropic Design of a Multilayered Biological Exoskeleton,” The Journal of Materials Research, 24(12), 3477-3494, 2009

Song, J., Reichert, S. Kallai, I., Gazit, D., Wund, M., Boyce, M. C., and C. Ortiz, “Quantitative Microstructural Studies of the Armor of the Marine Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus),” Journal of Structural Biology, 171(3), 318-331, 2010.

Yao, H., Dao, M., Imholt, T., Huang, J., Wheeler, K., Suresh, S., and C. Ortiz, “Protection Mechanisms Informed by the Unique Iron-Plated Armor of a Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent Gastropod,” PNAS, 107(3), 987-992, 2010.

Han, L., Wang, L, Song J., Boyce, M.S. and C. Ortiz, "Direct Quantification of the Mechanical Anisotropy and Fracture of an Individual Exoskeleton Layer via Uniaxial Compression of Micropillars," Nano Letters, 11(9), 3868-3874, 2011.

Sat, 19 Nov 2011 16:30:27 +0000 Lifeng Wang comment 17706 at //
Thank you //

In reply to From Weakness to Strength, lessons from the biopolymer in nacre

Thank you for this interesting comment and for the link to your paper. Very interesting work! Markus

Fri, 11 Nov 2011 12:18:17 +0000 Markus J. Buehler comment 17661 at //
From Weakness to Strength, lessons from the biopolymer in nacre //

In reply to Journal Club Theme of November 2011: Hierarchical Mechanics of Diatom Algae: From Atoms to Organism and Weakness to Strength

Thanks for posting this interesting topic. This is a cutting edge or hot subject which needs more in depth understanding about weakness and strength. For instance, Dr. Zhi-Hui Xu in my group recently discovered an unusual phenomenon - deformation strengthening of the biopolymer in nacre. For details, please see the paper below

Zhi-Hui Xu and Xiaodong Li, Deformation strengthening of biopolymer in nacre, Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (2011) 3883-3888

Thu, 10 Nov 2011 02:55:43 +0000 Xiaodong Li comment 17655 at //