iMechanica - Comments for "Journals in Physics and Engineering, and Preprint Servers Like arXiv" // Comments for "Journals in Physics and Engineering, and Preprint Servers Like arXiv" en Thanks https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Re: Publishing in iMechanica, arXiv etc.

Thanks, Biswajit.

Yet, I think they (the editors) might be forgiving of any prior discussion in an informal way here at iMechanica, right? I mean suppose I discuss some (even most) aspects of a paper, but without putting it in the form of a preprint as such. May be, it's just an internal report that still needs to be enhanced and polished with a more scholarly kind of discussion, etc. Suppose I share it here (or via my personal Web site, with the distribution qualified with the most restrictive Creative Commons license, more restrictive than iMechanica's). How would the editors then typically view such a thing?

... As a matter of fact, I have an example or two in mind.

I was thinking of putting on the Web a 3-page extended abstract for a planned paper. I had submitted the abstract at an international conference held in India. It got accepted there. However, since I could not find the time to finish the planned work, I withdrew it, well in time. (The work was about development of a toy pedagogical software, and the extended summary reads mostly like a somewhat detailed functional spec. Not too detailed, but enough for a smart programmer to be able to build something like that separately on his own.). Suppose none steals it---none else implements it or sends any paper based on this idea. Suppose I then prepare a full-length paper and send it to a journal. How are the editors likely to view it? What if I put the extended abstract here at iMechanica (and not at my personal Web site)?

A second example concerns development of my idea concerning the physical meaning of the concept of potential. Suppose I post a preliminary draft here and invite discussions. If an idea is conceptually novel, it's better to anticipate the views/objections that other people might have so that these can be addressed in a better manner in the paper. So, I post it here in that spirit. I then refine it and send it to a journal in the mechanics field (not too sure which one, but assume that some such a commercial journal does exist). How about this example? How would the editors typically look at it?

I mean, all papers are not of the same kind. I can understand if someone puts up a paper disclosing a lot of crucial experimental data or an entire mathematical model including its derivation, on the Web (e.g. here at iMechanica), and then submits it to the journal, and if they don't like that kind of a prepublication. In the first case, there can be tricky issues to do with the funding agency's rights and the Journal's. In the second, there can be the issue of novelty being lost. So, objections in such cases can be understandable. (For the mathematical derviation, perhaps not even in this case, provided no funding agency is involved and you are distributing it with the most restrictive CC license from your personal Web site). In any case, my two examples seem to be different. Any thoughts?


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Fri, 19 Aug 2011 09:49:25 +0000 Ajit R. Jadhav comment 17208 at //
Re: Publishing in iMechanica, arXiv etc. https://万博manbetx平台 <一个id = "评论- 17198 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< href="//">Journals in Physics and Engineering, and Preprint Servers Like arXiv

From the Elsevier authors' page:

" What rights do I retain as a journal author*?"

  • the right to make copies and distribute copies of the journal
    article (including via e-mail) to research colleagues, for personal use
    by such colleagues for scholarly purposes*;
  • the right to post a pre-print
    version of the journal article on Internet websites including electronic
    pre-print servers
    , and to retain indefinitely such version on such
    servers or sites for scholarly purposes*
  • the right to post a revised personal
    version of the text of the final journal article (to reflect changes
    made in the peer review process) on your personal or institutional
    website or server for scholarly purposes*,

In their section on electronic preprints:

  • Preprint of an article doesn't count as prior publication
  • Authors don't have to remove electronic preprints from publicly accessible servers
  • Articles are edited and peer-reviewed to give the quality the audience expects

ASME/ASCE journals are significantly more restrictive.

However, editors of journals may not know about these policies and it's generally safer not to communicate your results until the paper has been accepted.

In mechanics the goal of publishing seems not to be rapid comunication of progress but the accumulation of brownie points. The failure of iMechanica to attract a larger following of mechanicians and the limited number of papers posted on this site proves that point.

-- Biswajit

Tue, 16 Aug 2011 23:02:32 +0000 Biswajit Banerjee comment 17198 at //
Certainly not https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Correction

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Tue, 09 Aug 2011 09:18:09 +0000 Ajit R. Jadhav comment 17173 at //
Correction https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Certainly not. - - - - -

May be it is not what you need, but it is certainly what you have asked.

Mon, 08 Aug 2011 14:07:07 +0000 Sergej Tarasov comment 17169 at //
当然不是。- - - - - https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to RoMEO list

Certainly not.

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Mon, 08 Aug 2011 12:24:45 +0000 Ajit R. Jadhav comment 17167 at //
RoMEO list https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Journals in Physics and Engineering, and Preprint Servers Like arXiv

RoMEO list is probably what you need:

Mon, 08 Aug 2011 11:36:40 +0000 Sergej Tarasov comment 17165 at //