万博manbetx平台iMechanica -对“锂电池——力学与化学的结合”的评论 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/10622 对“锂电池——力学与化学的结合”的评论 Re. Al2O3涂层 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17238#comment-17238





星期二,2011年8月23日21:58:04 +0000 Kejie赵 评论17238:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 谢谢志刚 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17184#comment-17184

回复锂电池——当力学遇到化学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


Li与电极的反应途径有:插层、转化、位移或合金化。高能量容量的Si、Ge、Al等阳极通常与Li合金形成LixMey,这种合金化过程总是伴随着较大的体积膨胀,而在反向合金化过程中则存在较大的体积收缩。正是这种反复的膨胀/收缩导致了电极的粉碎和失效。对于机械师来说,这当然是一个很好的机械问题。万博体育平台万博体育平台机械师可以帮助理解什么是体积膨胀/收缩机制,LixMey合金的机械性能是什么(据说与金属非常不同),是否有办法减轻体积膨胀?后一个问题的答案可能是否定的,因为体积变化似乎是合金过程固有的,或者换句话说,如果它含有那么多的锂,就会有体积膨胀。如果你避免了体积膨胀,那么你就不会持有那么多的锂。因此,解决这个问题的一种方法可能是找到一个灵活的框架(结构)来容纳Si(纳米颗粒),并让框架适应大体积的变化:类似于大宿主概念中的小宿主。 Another way may be coating the electrode: our recent study in Al nanowires showing that the surface thin Al2O3 layer is always lithiated first to form a Li-Al-O glass with exceptional mechanical properties which survives almost 100% volume expansion (to be published). A theoretical explanation is needed for the remarkable mechanical properties of such thin coating layers.

For a review of the latest in-situ TEM studies on anode materials, see:

In-situ TEM electrochemistry of anode materials in lithium ion batteries, Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01918J

In the cathode side, there are a lot of efforts going on in LiFePO4, the lithiation mechanism in this system appears to very unclear, see latest work by MIT:

Kinetics of non-equilibrium lithium incorporation in LiFePO4, Nature Materials 10, 587-590 (2011)

2011年8月12日星期五16:33:30 +0000 Jianyu黄 评论17184:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
双向耦合 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17113#comment-17113

回复锂电池——当力学遇到化学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


Vijay A. Sethuramana, Michael J. Chonb, Maxwell Shimshakb,
Venkat Srinivasana和Pradeep R. Gudurub,电化学锂化和

< /p>

2011年7月29日星期五14:45:14 +0000 Hanqing江 在//m.limpotrade.com上的万博manbetx平台注释17113
化学过程影响力学 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17110#comment-17110


力学和化学之间的另一个有趣的相互作用在Kejie的论文中有概述,上面有链接:锂离子电池中硅电极的锂辅助塑性变形:第一原理理论研究 。在这里,发现锂的插入会导致硅键的断裂和重整。当只有少量的锂被插入后,这将导致锂化硅电极的屈服。

Vijay A. Sethuraman, Michael J. Chon, Maxwell Shimshak, Venkat Srinivasan和Pradeep Guduru,在电化学锂化和衰减过程中硅薄膜应力演化的原位测量,电源学报195,5062-5066(2010)。

这种导致材料屈服的化学相互作用在力学方面具有重要的影响。 In particular, the energy release rate for a crack in a body takes the form G=Zhσ^2/E where Z is a dimensionless number of order unity, σ is a representative stress, h is the feature size of the electrode, and E is the modulus of the lithiated silicon. If we did not know about yielding in silicon, we might take the stress to be the product of the modulus and the strain induced by lithiation (i.e. use Hooke's law to calculate the stress, σ=Eε). However, this would predict a huge energy release rate. Namely, using representative values of the fracture energy: Γ = 10 J/m^2, strain: ε = 100% linearly, and modulus: E = 80 GPa, we would predict the critical feature size (below which we will have no fracture) to be sub-atomic. This is not agreeement with experimental observations that silicon electrodes with feature sizes around 100 nm do not fracture. However, as suggested, the chemistry causing the material to yield has important consequences. In the paper listed above by Sethuraman, the yield strength was found to be 1.75 GPa. Taking the representative value of the stress to be on the order of the yield strength, the critical particle size instead is calculated to be 130 nm, which agrees with experiments quite well. For a further discussion of this topic, please see:

Kejie Zhao, Matt Pharr, Joost J. Vlassak and Zhigang Suo. Inelastic hosts as electrodes for high-capacity lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Applied Physics 109, 016110 (2011).

2011年7月28日星期四20:28:04 +0000 马特·法尔 评论17110在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
关于锂储量的争论 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17107#comment-17107

回复回复:锂储量< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">

Hi Biswajit,你可能想看看《瓶形闪电》的第9章"勘探者"。它描述了由塔希尔和他的论文《锂的麻烦》引发的关于锂储量的历史争论。这一主题的几篇论文如下

"An abundance of Lithium": < A href="http://www.che.ncsu.edu/ILEET/phevs/lithium-availability/An_Abundance_of_Lithium.pdf">http://www.che.ncsu.edu/ILEET/phevs/lithium-availability/An_Abundance_of…

"The trouble with Lithium 2":http://www.meridian-int-res.com/Projects/Lithium_Microscope.pdf



2011年7月27日星期三17:47:00 +0000 Kejie赵 评论17107:https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
力学和化学之间的相互作用 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17092#comment-17092


2011年7月26日星期二15:30:20 +0000 Kejie赵 评论17092在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
力学和化学的相互作用产生了丰富的现象 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17088#comment-17088





M. tang, J. F. Belak, M. Dorr, J. Phys。化学。C 115, 4922(2011)。a

Like Zhigang and others who have commented in this thread, I’m convinced understanding the interplay between mechanics and chemistry is of extreme importance to fully realize the potentials of lithium battery materials. On the other hand, lithium insertion electrodes seem to provide an excellent platform to probe the fundamental physics underlying stress-chemistry coupling.

星期二,2011年7月26日04:17:09 +0000 明唐 评论17088在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 力学和化学决定了容量衰退 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17087#comment-17087

回复锂电池——当力学遇到化学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


J. Park, J.H. Seo, G.L. Plett, W. Lu and A.M. Sastry, "The Effect of the Dissolution of Lithium Manganese Oxide Particles on Li-ion Battery Performance," Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 14, A14-A18, 2011.

星期一,2011年7月25日23:25:03 +0000 魏路 评论17087在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
回复:锂储量 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17086#comment-17086




以锂为例,目前储量估计为5000 - 1.5亿吨碳酸锂(~ 1000 - 3000万吨锂)。人们经常把不可开采的资源计算在储量估计中。例如,假设煤炭储量为y吨,实际可开采储量可低至0.2吨(U/G),高至0.9吨(O/C)。


A related paper is http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/sustainable/refs/nuclear/TroubleLithium.pdf

-- Biswajit

2011年7月25日星期一22:21:00 +0000 Banerjee Biswajit 评论17086在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org
锂储量 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17085#comment-17085

回复锂储量< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">

最终锂储量可能成为大规模电动汽车行业关注的问题。《瓶装闪电》列出了截至2011年1月全球锂储量和已确定资源的最新调查结果。我把它复制到这里。储量是指今天可以经济合法地开采的矿产资源;已确定的资源是已知的矿藏。单位是几千吨< / p > < p >储备确定资源< / p > < p >智利7500年玻利维亚9000 < / p > < p >中国3500年智利7500年< / p > < p >阿根廷850年中国5400 < / p > < p > Austrialia 580美国4000 < / p > < p >巴西64年阿根廷2600年< / p > < p >美国38个巴西1000 < / p > < p >津巴布韦1000年刚果23日< / p > < p >葡萄牙塞尔维亚1000 < / p > < p >总12565年澳大利亚630年< / p > < p >加拿大360 < / p > < p > 32490 < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > < ul类=“链接”> <李类=“comment_forbidden第一去年”> < span > 登录或register发表评manbetx体育论 2011年7月25日星期一15:35:00 +0000 Kejie赵 评论17085,网址:https://imecha万博manbetx平台nica.org 回复:锂储量 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17083#comment-17083

回复锂储量< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


2011年7月25日星期一11:11:27 +0000 锁志刚 评论17083在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 锂储备 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17079#comment-17079 星期一,2011年7月25日01:25:53 +0000 Banerjee Biswajit 评论17079在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 了解锂电池-当模型遇到实验 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17077#comment-17077

回复锂电池——当力学遇到化学< div class="field- name-comment-body field-type-text-long field-label-hidden">


刘晓辉等,硅纳米线在锂化过程中的各向异性膨胀与断裂, Nano Letters, (2011)



张立强等,通过涂层控制纳米线电极的锂化诱导应变和充电速率,中国化学工程学报,5,4800 -4809 (2011)

已经提出涂层可以同时控制纳米线/纳米颗粒电极的电学和力学行为。 We found that the large lithiation strain often causes the fracture of coatings.

3. Reversible nanoporosity formation

X.H. Liu et al., Reversible nanopore formation in Ge nanowires during lithiation-delithiation cycling, submitted (to be posted)

It has been predicted that delithiation-produced vacancies can quickly leave the nanowire/nanoparticle electrodes due to the short diffusion length to surface. We discovered the nanopore formation in Ge nanowires during the first cycle of delithiation, similar to the formation of porous metals in dealloying. A striking phenomenon seen in the TEM is the so-called "pore memory effect" during cycling. Reversible nanoporosity formation has important implications for retaining the cycling stability of microstructures in electrode materials.

2011年7月24日,星期日,20:41:47 +0000 朱停 评论17077在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org 力学可以与化学相竞争 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/comment/17076#comment-17076


感谢Zhigang提出这个有趣的话题。事实上,锂离子电池是一个结合化学和力学的例子系统。机械稳定性和化学稳定性已成为商业电池选择可行电极的首要标准——即锂化反应的化学性质对电极材料的机械性能产生显著影响,机械失效严重限制了电池的循环寿命。下面是更详细的图片。锂离子电池的每个电极都含有大量的锂。锂在循环过程中穿梭于两个电极之间。例如,在放电过程中,锂原子在阳极和电解质之间的界面上解离成锂离子和电子。锂离子通过电解液,电子通过外部导线。到达阴极后,锂离子和电子重新结合形成中性锂原子。锂原子扩散到阴极,并与阴极发生反应。 The diffusion and reaction cause mechanical deformation, and a field of stress in the electrodes. The stress induces plasticity, fracture and fatigue. Fracture and fatigue are generally observed for almost all the commercial batteries, particularly challenging the stability of high energy density electrodes, such as silicon.

We have been studying the mechanical behaviors of silicon electrodes during lithiation reaction recently.

Kejie Zhao, Wei L. Wang, John Gregoire, Matt Pharr, Zhigang Suo, Joost J. Vlassak, and Efthimios Kaxiras. Lithium-assisted plastic deformation of silicon electrodes in lithium-ion batteries: a first-principles theoretical study. Nano Letters 11, 2962-2967 (2011)

In a system involving a variety of physical processes, such as thermal, structural and chemical ones, “chemistry always wins” (quoted from W. D. Nix and F. Spaepen). In lithium-ion batteries, however, it might be an exception – mechanics can be competitive to chemistry, stress can significantly influence the reaction, or even be large enough to shut down the chemical reaction.

2011年7月24日星期日15:15:00 +0000 Kejie赵 评论17076在https://imechanic万博manbetx平台a.org