iMechanica - Comments for "Error Message" // Comments for "Error Message" en Apologies for the delay in // <一个id = "评论- 19118 " > < / > < p > < em >回复< href="//">May go for mass scaling

Apologies for the delay in reply but your help proved vital and I got it to work, by usin a smaller increment with the load being applied by preiodic amplitude.

Thanks again,


Fri, 08 Jun 2012 13:46:48 +0000 manz_0 comment 19118 at //
May go for mass scaling https://万博manbetx平台

In reply to Error Message

You may try reverting back to the default value of the scaling factor i.e. 1. If the analysis becomes unstable therein, use the 'variable mass scaling'.



Thu, 15 Sep 2011 04:12:58 +0000 asimkm comment 17361 at //
Hi i have attempted this //

In reply to Error Message

Hi i have attempted this but the simulation runs on hours on end on the first step and it seems as tho it is struggling with it. I am still receiving the following warning.

The option *boundary,type=displacement has been used; check status file between steps for warnings on any jumps prescribed across the steps in displacement values of translational dof. For rotational dof make sure that there are no such jumps. All jumps in displacements across steps are ignored

I am basically modelling a 3D enclosed cylinder structure made up of kapton membrane. One side of this cylinder has boundary conditions (encastre) while the rest of the cylinder experiences a 100Pa pressure exerting outwards from the cylinder (in essence stretching it by expanding) but somehow i cant get this simluation to work.

I am quite new to abaqus and only in my first year of my PhD. Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.

Thanks for your time and patience, :)

here are the main steps of the simulation

*Surface, type=ELEMENT, name=_PickedSurf33, internal
__PickedSurf33_SPOS, SPOS
*End Assembly
*Amplitude, name=Smooth, definition=SMOOTH STEP
1., 0., 2., 2.5
*Material, name=Kapton
3.74e+09, 0.34
** ----------------------------------------------------------------
** STEP: Crumpling
*Step, name=Crumpling
Deflating the cylinder by exerting pressure out fo the cylinder
*Dynamic, Explicit, scale factor=0.0001
, 1.
*Bulk Viscosity
0.06, 1.2
** Name: Fixed End Type: Displacement/Rotation
*Boundary, amplitude=Smooth
_PickedSet41, 3, 3
** Name: CylinSurf Type: Pressure
*Dsload, amplitude=Smooth
_PickedSurf33, P, -100.
** Name: Side B Type: Pressure
*Dsload, amplitude=Smooth
_PickedSurf32, P, -100.
*Restart, write, number interval=1, time marks=NO
** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-1
*Output, field
*Node Output
A, U, V
*Element Output, directions=YES
*Contact Output
*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT
*End Step

Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:57:20 +0000 manz_0 comment 17357 at //
Depends on size of mesh, load magnitude and time of analysis //

In reply to Error Message

You may try decreasing the time rate of application of load.


Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:11:31 +0000 asimkm comment 17346 at //
类似的问题 //

In reply to Error Message

Hi, i am working on a 3D simulation of an enclosed cylinder that has pressure loads applied uniformly across apart from one side which is fixed. I am having the same error message as the one you have stated.

I was wondering if you had come up with a solution to fix this error message or a hint as to where i should look for the solution.

Thanks a lot,


Mon, 12 Sep 2011 14:57:29 +0000 manz_0 comment 17341 at //