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(Course) Plastic Deformation in Crystalline Solids

Kamyar M Davoudi的照片

Instructor:Kamyar Davoudi

Lectures:Saturdays and Mondays, 10:30 am-12:00 pm

Institute:Sharif University

Despite all the efforts that have been put toward the study of plastic deformations in the past 81 years, there is currently no generally accepted theory explaining all aspects of it; finding a theory of work hardening is now as hopeless as ever, and research is aimed at establishing a model instead [1].

In this course, we will try to explain why crystalline materials become plastic and how we can model their plastic deformations. Because dislocations are the main plastic carriers, we will start with an introduction to dislocation theory. We will then study different stages of strain-strain curve and the main mechanisms in each stage.

Many experiments have shown that the plastic behavior of materials at the micron and nano scales or in materials with smaller grain size can be quite different from that of the same material in bulk form. These observations led to the mantra of “smaller is stronger.” Design of reliable electronic devices at the micro- and nano-scale requires a good understanding of why and how the mechanical behavior is different at small scales. Explanation of size dependent behavior is another aim of this course. At the end of this course, we will demonstrate how we can approximately model plasticity and size dependent behavior using just a few simple rules.

Perquisite:Mechanics of Materials; Elasticity (Preferred)

Tentative topics:


Part I: Theory of Defects

Part II: Applications

  • Explanation of different stages of stress-strain curve
  • Schmid’s law
  • 建模可塑性using discrete dislocation plasticity

Extra Topics:

  • Creep deformation
  • Introduction to molecular dynamics


There is no textbook for this course. But the following books are very helpful to understand the concepts of this course better.

(1)Abbaschian, R., Reed-Hill, R., 2009.Physical Metallurgy Principles(4th ed.), CL Engineering.

(2) Argon, A.S., 2008.Strengthening mechanism in crystal plasticity,Oxford University Press.

(3) Bulatov, V., Cai, W., 2006.Computer simulations of dislocations,Oxford University Press.

(4) Hull, D., Bacon, D.J., 2011.Introduction to dislocations, 5th ed. Elsevier.

(5) Kelly, A., Knowles, K., 2012.Crystallography and Crystal Defects,2nd ed.John Wiley & Sons.

(6) Kubin, L.P., 2013.Dislocations, mesoscale simulations and plastic flow,Oxford University Press.

(7) Messerschmidt, U., 2010.Dislocation Dynamics During Plastic Deformation, Springer.

(8) Poirier, J.P., 1985.Creep of crystals,Cambridge University Press.

[1] Kocks, U.F., Mecking, H.,Physics and Phenomenology of Strain Hardening: the FCC Case,Progress in Materials Science 48, 2003.


How does it work? Can I eroll somehow? Will it be online?

Kamyar M Davoudi的照片

Dear Bafty

It is not an online course. But I will upload the slides and/or my lecture notes here.

Hi Dr. Davoudi,

Is there any dedicated web-page for this course, where one can see the lecture notes on?

Kamyar M Davoudi的照片

Hi Danish

I'll upload the slides here.

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