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Fatigue analysis in ANSYS claasic environment !!

Hello ANSYS users,

I am having hard time ANSYS's documentation for fatigue analysis in claasic environment. Tutorials available on internet talk bat ansys workbench only. Has anyone done fatigue analysis in ANSYS claasic? If yes, is there any source for tutorials ?



npoEM's picture

Hello ANSYS user!

I am solving the different tasks about Low cycle fatigue and high CF. But i don't use ANSYS's fatugue module, becouse i want to control the evaluations using differents theories, like Goodman, Stepnov, Menson and Weller by APDL's macros. You can find an example here

If it will be interesting for you i translate the remarks in macros into English (now it is in Russian)

Good luck.

Thanks for the information. Eventually I want to do the same. Use static stress results and postprocess them to predict fatigue life. The information given by you will be definitely useful. However, it says link is broken.

Could you paste that again ?

Thanks and regards,

npoEM's picture

link works. try it again or email

Vladimir Tkach,

i am working on fatigue also using the ansys classic. i tried to link to the site you provided, however, it is a broken link, would appreciate very much if you can send the information to me(if convenient in english) .

thank you very much for your help.



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