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A new home for mechanics researchers

Zhigang is really a master of good ideas. He learned the new technology from his son months ago, and then so many good ideas have been popping up in the mechanics community. Google group was the first trial, then google blog, wikepedia, etc. Now even fancier, iMech. I dreamed before, if I had money, I would buy a series of products by Apple. Now and in the future, I wish I can obtain iMech for free. I wish it has the quality as other products of i*** by Apple, but not as expensive as those. Good news is that the iMech is made by Zhigang, not Apple.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Let us seize the greatest opportunity of our time

我们已经听到传言说打印死了,杀人ed by the Internet. What is the reality then? For example, how are newspapers doing? Not too badly, according to the numbers cited byJames Surowiecki, ofThe New Yorker. He also made the following remarks, however.

"The popular conviction that papers are doomed may cause owners and shareholders to prefer the cash-cow approach, accepting eventual oblivion while continuing to harvest billions of dollars in profits. Settling for a tolerable short-term future, newspapers could end up writing themselves out of the long-term one. Yet it’s also clear that this moment of supposed doom represents a sizable opportunity for newspapers, a chance to reinvigorate their product and, eventually, improve the economics of their business."


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