Yeguang-Xue's blog // en Professor Yonggang Huang is elected as an Honorary Member (2021) of ASME https://万博manbetx平台

Professor Yonggang Huang from Northwestern University is elected as an Honorary Member (2021) of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Each year ASME elects no more than 5 honorary members. Since 2000 the mechanicians elected to the honorary members include:

  • Alan Needleman (2018);
  • Romesh Batra (2015);
  • Pol Spanos (2014);
  • Ted Belytschko (2013);
  • Zdenek Bazant (2012);
  • JN Reddy (2011);
  • Sia Nemat-Nasser (2005);
  • Tinsley Oden (2004);
  • Jan Achenbach (2002).
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