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我们非常高兴地宣布FEBio (finite Elements for Biomechanics) 2.0版本发布。这个新版本可以在这里下载 。FEBio是一个开源的有限元软件包,专门为解决计算生物力学领域的问题而设计。这个新版本包含了一些主要的变化,并包含了许多令人兴奋的新功能。下面列出了一些值得注意的更改和添加。


添加了OpenMP指令,以便在多处理器运行时加快代码的几个部分。 This is in addition to parallelization of the default linear solver PARDISO.

All documentation has been updated and can be downloaded on the FEBio Documentation page. The release notes and svn logs have been updated in the installation package. Online versions of the manuals are also available on the Documentation page.

We encourage you to submit images/videos of your research, to be posted on the FEBio Gallery, to showcase the research being done with FEBio. We’ll even create the images/videos for you if you’ll send us the .feb or .plt/.xplt files!

We’d also like to remind you that as part of our effort to track the impact of the FEBio software suite, we have assembled a list of all publications that have used or referenced FEBio. If you publish manuscripts, conference papers or abstracts that use FEBio, please reference the following manuscript:

Maas SA, Ellis BJ, Ateshian GA, Weiss JA: FEBio: Finite Elements for Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 134(1):011005, 2012.

Please report any problems or questions on the Software Forum .

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank our ever-growing user base for helping us make FEBio a great tool for computational biomechanics. As always, we would really appreciate any feedback that you may have to help us improve FEBio.

Kind Regards,

The FEBio Software Team

Steve Maas
Dave Rawlins
Gerard Ateshian
Jeff Weiss
Ben Ellis

2014年5月27日星期二23:10:25 +0000 大卫·罗林斯 16671网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/16671#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/16671 CMBBE 2013大会在犹他州盐湖城举行 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/12486
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SAVE THESE DATES!2013年4月3-7日


Jeffrey a . Weiss博士
Gerard a . Ateshian博士

< p>详情见http://cmbbe13.sci.utah.edu 。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 2012年5月21日星期一23:06:00 +0000 大卫·罗林斯 12486,网址:https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/12486#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/12486 FEBio 1.5发布版本 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/12464

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We are excited to announce the arrival of version 1.5 of FEBio (Finite Elements for Biomechanics). This new version can be downloaded at http://mrl.sci.utah.edu/software/febio. FEBio is an open-source finite element package, specifically designed for solving problems in the field of computational biomechanics. This new version includes some major changes and contains a number of new and exciting features. Some of the noteworthy changes and additions are listed below.

- Multiple solutes. FEBio has been updated to allow different solutes to be used in different regions of a model. For example, adjacent regions of biphasic-solute materials need not have the same solute. A solute table must now be provided in the input file, which lists all the solutes appearing in a particular analysis. Each region that contains solutes must provide the solute id's corresponding to the entries in the solute table. For biphasic-solute materials, backward compatibility is maintained with the FEBio 1.4 file format, though only one solute may be used throughout an analysis in the old format.

- Triphasic materials. Triphasic materials have been implemented in this version. A triphasic material consists of a solid, a solvent, and two solute species that are monovalent counter-ions. The solid matrix may carry an electric charge (the fixed-charge density), in which case the triphasic material will undergo swelling due to Donnan osmotic pressure. Electric potential and current density are evaluated in all triphasic analyses.

- Cell growth. A cell growth material has been implemented, which describes the growth of cells as driven by osmotic forces, due to the increasing (or decreasing) content of intracellular solid and membrane-impermeant solute.

- Relative boundary conditions. Relative boundary conditions have been implemented for all nodal degrees of freedom of displacement, fluid pressure, and solute concentration. Relative boundary conditions are meaningful only in multi-step analyses. When a nodal degree of freedom is specified to be relative at a particular step, the value prescribed for that node is superposed over the value of that degree of freedom at the end of the preceding step.

All documentation has been updated and can be downloaded from http://mrl.sci.utah.edu/software/febio. The release notes have been updated and can also be downloaded separately from the Documentation tab of the software page. The svn logs have been added to the Help directory of the download. These can be useful for developers who want to know which files in the source code were effected by particular changes. Online versions of the manuals are also available at http://help.mrl.sci.utah.edu/help/index.jsp.

FEBio's supporting software, PreView and PostView, have also undergone some major improvements, making it easier than ever to create, define and analyze finite element models with FEBio. These packages can also be downloaded from http://mrl.sci.utah.edu/software.

We encourage you to report any problems or questions on the Software Forum: http://mrl.sci.utah.edu/forums/

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank our ever-growing user base for helping us make FEBio a great tool for computational biomechanics. As always, we would really appreciate any feedback that you may have to help us improve FEBio.

Kind Regards,

The FEBio Software Team

Steve Maas
Dave Rawlins
Gerard Ateshian
Jeff Weiss
Ben Ellis

2012年5月17日星期四22:29:07 +0000 大卫·罗林斯 12464网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/12464#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/12464