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m_meisam's blog

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Exprimental Data for Wall or Structure under Blast Loading

Dear guys

I've done some numerical research on behavior of concrete wall under blast loading. And know for checking the validity of my results I need some related exprimental data about it. Is there any one who can help me?



m_meisam's picture

Modeling concrete wall covered by FRP under blast load

Dear Guys

Is there any one that can help me for below questions?

1- Modeling FRP in abaqus CAE

2- Define interaction between FRP layer and concrete wall



m_meisam's picture

How Can I use subroutine?

Dear Guys

I use abaqus cae for modeling and wanna know how should I attech subroutine file to abaqus cae file!


M. Meisam

m_meisam's picture

Two Questions in Concrete Modeling

Dear Friends
I've 2 questions:
1) I use abaqus cae for concrete modeling and how can I attech a file (subroutine/etc.) to my model?
2) which category I should use for concrete while making a part(shell/solid)? while I'm trying to make a section , only shell section have a rebar layer and solid section dont have this option! what should I do?
Meisam M.

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Concrete Modeling

Dear Guys!

I'm looking for a person whom familier with concrete modeling.

is there any one?

m_meisam's picture

Concrete Modeling

Dear Guys!

I'm wanna model the concrete plasticity in abaqus and is it possible to tell me which element type should I use for Concrete modeling?


m_meisam's picture

Subroutine "VDload"

Dear Friends
I wanna model the blast load in abaqus/Explicit useing the subroutine "VDload"!
Could u help me to know how can I model the blast load with this subroutine?!

m_meisam's picture

Modeling Concrete!

Dear guys!

Is there anyone who made a dynamic model of concrete in Abaqus/Explicit?

I need a *.py file of concrete modeling!

Please help me!


m_meisam's picture

System of unit in abaqus

Dear guys!
I've a qustion about system of units in abaqus!
I thought that the system of units in a model must be the same but in abaqus example "stiffened plate under the blast load" in define the material the density defined in "kg/m^3" but other properties defined in "Pa"!
Is that true? if yes why?
Meisam M.

m_meisam's picture

need the plastic propertis of concrete

Dear Friends!
I'm Student of civil engineering in master's degree and I wanna model the plastic behavior of concrete under the blast load!
Now I need the plastic propertis of concrete!
If anyone of you have any information or any *.py file about the above topic please help me!
Hope for your help!
Meisam M.

m_meisam's picture

Need Help for modeling concrete in abaqus

Dear Friends!
I'm Student of civil engineering in master's degree and I wanna model the plastic behavior of concrete under the blast load!
Now I need the plastic propertis of concrete!
If anyone of you have any information or any *.py file about the above topic please help me!
Hope for your help!
Meisam M.

m_meisam's picture

Compare job result in one diagram in abaqus\Explicit

Hi there!
how can I see the results of some jobs in one diagram when we wanna compare them to gather in Abaqus\Explicit?

I see that in the abaqus user manual it draws the results of two jobs in one diagram and compare them togather easily! So it must e possible!

And also I'm looking for the plastic properties of concrete to modeling its behavior in abaqus!

I'm waiting for your help and proposal!

thanks guys!



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