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J Integral calculation for an Axisymmetric Problem with crack in Ansys

Hi all,

I am working on Crack growth analysis of Turbocharger wheel and shaft assembly. I have simulated it as an axisymmetric problem with fine mesh around the cracktip(in Ansys). Element used is Plane182.

I have to compare the K1 and K2 values obtained from both the Displacement Extrapolation Method and J-Interal method.

I got the K1 an K2 values at the cracktip location by defining path using displacement extrapolation method.

But, I was not able to get the Stress intensity factor values (K1 nad K2) using J-Integral Method.

年代tability analysis of cantilever-shaft disk (rotor) systems

i am working on the stability analysis of cantilever shaft disk 9rotor) systems. i am a beginner in this work. can any one please suggest any books or papers which can help me in my work. i will be grateful to you.

年代tability analysis of cantilever-shaft disk (rotor) systems

i am working on the stability analysis of cantilever shaft disk 9rotor) systems. i am a beginner in this work. can any one please suggest any books or papers which can help me in my work. i will be grateful to you.

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