hdespinosa的博客 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/blog/20393 西北大学招收生物医学领域博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18689 < div class="field- name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">

bioMEMS领域招收博士后。候选人将与初创公司iNfinitesimal, LLC的人员以及西北大学范伯格医学院的合作者密切互动。 该职位将涉及工程和生物学交叉的研究,重点是设备设计,制造和系统集成,以发展纳米和微技术用于生物应用。


博士学位,相关工程学科(BME, EE, ME)或物理科学




理想的候选人将有生物医学系统设计和制造、多路复用、细胞操作和单细胞分析的实践经验。< p>< /span>





< /span>


有兴趣的候选人应通过电子邮件发送简历(包括出版物列表和期刊影响因子),描述研究经历和兴趣的求职信, and the names and email addresses of three references to Professor Horacio Espinosa at espinosa@northwestern.edu.

星期二,2015年8月11日19:27:21 +0000 hdespinosa 18689,网址:https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18689#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/18689
西北大学招收博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18688
< a class="field- name- name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">

招收微纳米力学实验室博士后西北大学机械工程专业。 该候选人将在高性能材料(如二维材料、纳米线和生物材料)的纳米力学领域进行研究。该候选人将有望为一个充满活力的多学科研究小组做出贡献,并能够与化学家和理论家密切合作。< / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < / p > < p > < / p > < p > <强> < span > < span >要求:< / span > < / span > < /强> < / p > < p > < / p > < p > < span > < span > 1。物理学,机械工程,电子工程,材料科学或相关领域博士学位。



- 原位SEM/TEM/AFM实验表征




3。 良好的出版记录。< / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > 4。 较强的口头和书面沟通能力。

To apply:

Interested candidates should email a CV, cover letter describing work experience and career interests, and the names and email addresses of three references to Professor Horacio Espinosa at espinosa@northwestern.edu.

星期二,2015年8月11日19:21:11 +0000 hdespinosa 18688网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18688#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/18688 西北大学招收纳米与生物材料力学博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18542
< a class="field- name- name ">job
< div class="field- name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">

招收微纳米力学实验室博士后西北大学机械工程专业。 该候选人将在高性能材料(如二维材料、纳米线和生物材料)的纳米力学领域进行研究。该候选人将有望为一个充满活力的多学科研究小组做出贡献,并能够与化学家和理论家密切合作。< / span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > <强> < span >要求:< / span > < /强> < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < span > 1。物理学、机械工程、电气工程、材料科学与工程或相关领域博士学位。< / span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < span > 2。目前在美国工作的资格(即必须有OPT或绿卡)。< / span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < span > 3。 至少具备以下两项工作经验:


复合材料力学,包括生物材料或仿生材料< p> -表征二维材料的机械和机电性能



5. Strong verbal and written communication skills.

To apply:

Interested candidates should email a CV, cover letter describing work experience and career interests, and the names and email addresses of three references to Professor Horacio Espinosa at espinosa@northwestern.edu.

星期一,2015年7月6日14:33:39 +0000 hdespinosa 18542在https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18542#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/18542
博士后研究员-生物医学系统/微流体 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18338

西北大学机械工程系招收博士后。候选人将与初创公司iNfinitesimal, LLC的人员以及西北大学范伯格医学院的合作者密切互动。 该职位将涉及工程和生物学交叉的研究,重点是生物应用的纳米和微技术的发展。< / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < >强所需的资格:< /强> < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > 1。< span > < / span >博士。在工程学科或物理科学

< /span>具有丰富的微流控平台设计和无尘室微加工经验

< /span>电子仪器工作知识

< /span>较强的口头和书面沟通能力

< /span>有撰写拨款提案的经验

6。< /span>理想的候选人将有细胞培养、生物检测和光学/电子显微镜的实践经验

< /p>

< /strong>申请:< p> < span>有兴趣的候选人应通过电子邮件发送简历、描述工作经历和职业兴趣的求职信、的姓名和电子邮件地址三霍雷肖埃斯皮诺萨教授引用< / span > < a href = " mailto: espinosa@northwestern.edu " > < span > < span > espinosa@northwestern.edu < / span > < / span > < / > < span > < span >。< / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 2015年5月20日星期三16:05:16 +0000 hdespinosa 18338网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18338#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/18338 纳米与生物材料力学博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18337

< a class="field- name- name ">job
< div class="field- name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">

招收微纳米力学实验室博士后西北大学机械工程专业。 该候选人将在高性能材料(如二维材料、纳米线和生物材料)的纳米力学领域进行研究。该候选人将有望为一个充满活力的多学科研究小组做出贡献,并能够与化学家和理论家密切合作。< / span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p class = " MsoNormal " > < / p > < p类=“MsoNormal”> < span > < span > <强> < span >要求:< / span > < /强> < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < span > 1。物理学、机械工程、电气工程、材料科学与工程或相关领域博士学位。< / span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < span > 2。目前在美国工作的资格(即必须有OPT或绿卡)。< / span > < / span > < / span > < / p > < p > < span > < span > < span > 3。 至少具备以下两项工作经验:

- 原位SEM/TEM/AFM实验表征

复合材料力学,包括生物材料或仿生材料< p> -表征二维材料的机械和机电性能



5. Strong verbal and written communication skills.

To apply:

Interested candidates should email a CV, cover letter describing work experience and career interests, and the names and email addresses of three references to Professor Horacio Espinosa at espinosa@northwestern.edu.

2015年5月20日星期三15:52:06 +0000 hdespinosa 18337在https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/18337#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/18337 美国西北大学招收实验纳米力学博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8675
< a href="/taxonomy/term/73">job
< div class="field- name-body field-type-text- with_summary field-label-hidden">< p>Description < /span>< /p>

微博招收博士后and Nano Mechanics Laboratory within the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University. Successful candidates will participate in a vibrant interdisciplinary research group and be involved in projects pursuing in-situ mechanical and electro-mechanical characterization of metallic and semiconducting nanowires. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to be involved in MEMS and probe-based techniques for biological studies at the single-cell level. Collaborations are in place with investigators at the Northwestern Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, the Feinberg School of Medicine, the International Institute for Nanotechnology, and Argonne and Sandia National Laboratories.


  1. A Ph.D. in engineering, materials science or physics
  2. Working experience in at least two of the following areas: in-situ electron microscopy mechanical testing, confocal/electron/atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, molecular/quantum mechanics
  3. A good record of publications.
  4. Strong verbal and written communication skills.

The position is available immediately for a period of one year and may be renewed thereafter. Actual start date is negotiable. Applications will be reviewed immediately and continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. Interested candidates should submit a CV, a cover letter describing their research experience and interests, and the names and email addresses of at least three references to:

Professor Horacio D. Espinosa

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Northwestern University

2145 Sheridan Rd.Evanston, IL 60208-3111

Email: mn-mechanics@northwestern.edu


Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.

星期一,2010年8月9日21:42:32 +0000 hdespinosa 8675邮编:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8675#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/8675
美国西北大学招收多尺度模型研究博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8674
< a href="/taxonomy/term/73">作业
< div class="field- name-taxonomy-vocabulary-8 field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

西北大学机械工程系微纳米力学实验室招收博士后。 成功的候选人将参加一个充满活力的跨学科研究小组,并参与解决多尺度建模的项目,以了解分层碳基纳米复合材料的负载传递机制。根据经验,候选人也将有机会参与半导体纳米线的建模,以了解机电性能的失效模式和尺寸效应。 小组采用互补的实验-计算方法;因此,候选人将被鼓励与实验人员密切合作,以促进对实验结果的理解。< p> 要求:

  1. 要求物理、化学、机械工程、材料科学与工程、电气工程或相关领域博士学位。
  2. 具有纳米级科学和/或工程方面的工作经验,至少包括以下两个领域:
  3. 使用耦合QM/MM/连续体计算的多尺度建模
  4. Ab initio 用于研究材料的失效模式和机电特性的计算< li class="MsoNormal">高性能计算-具有在高端并行机上编译和运行可扩展的MD/QM代码的经验< li class="MsoNormal">电气(带)知识纳米材料的结构,输运性质,极化)或机电(压电,压阻)理论和机电性质的计算建模。
  • 有良好的出版记录。
  • 较强的口头和书面沟通能力。
  • 该职位聘期为一年,聘期届满后可续聘。 实际开始日期面议。 申请将被立即审核并继续接受,直到职位被填补。 Interested candidates should submit a CV, a cover letter describing their research experience and interests, and the names and email addresses of at least three references to:

    Professor Horacio D. Espinosa

    Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

    Northwestern University

    2145 Sheridan Rd.Evanston, IL 60208-3111

    Email: mn-mechanics@northwestern.edu


    Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.

    星期一,2010年8月9日21:39:10 +0000 hdespinosa 8674网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8674#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/8674
    美国西北大学招收多尺度模型研究博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8333
    < a class="field- name- name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">

    机械学系微纳米力学实验室招收博士后西北大学工程系。 成功的候选人将参加一个充满活力的跨学科研究小组,并参与解决多尺度建模的项目,以了解分层碳基纳米复合材料的负载传递机制。根据经验,候选人也将有机会参与半导体纳米线的建模,以了解机电性能的失效模式和尺寸效应。 小组采用互补的实验-计算方法;因此,候选人将被鼓励与实验人员密切合作,以促进对实验结果的理解。< p> 要求:

    1. 要求物理、化学、机械工程、材料科学与工程、电气工程或相关领域博士学位。
    2. 具有纳米级科学和/或工程方面的工作经验,至少包括以下两个领域:
    3. 使用耦合QM/MM/连续体计算的多尺度建模
    4. Ab initio 用于研究材料的失效模式和机电特性的计算< li class="MsoNormal">高性能计算-具有在高端并行机上编译和运行可扩展的MD/QM代码的经验< li class="MsoNormal">电气(带)知识纳米材料的结构,输运性质,极化)或机电(压电,压阻)理论和机电性质的计算建模。
  • 有良好的出版记录。
  • 较强的口头和书面沟通能力。
  • 该职位聘期为一年,聘期届满后可续聘。 实际开始日期面议。 Applications will be reviewed immediately and continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. Interested candidates should submit a CV, a cover letter describing their research experience and interests, and the names and email addresses of at least three references to:

    Professor Horacio D. Espinosa

    Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

    Northwestern University

    2145 Sheridan Rd.

    Evanston, IL 60208-3111Email:



    Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.

    2010年6月2日星期三16:39:33 +0000 hdespinosa 8333网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8333#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/8333
    美国西北大学招收实验纳米力学博士后 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8332
    < a class="field- name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden">

    上海理工大学机械工程系微纳米力学实验室招收博士后Northwestern University. Successful candidates will participate in a vibrant interdisciplinary research group and be involved in projects pursuing in-situ mechanical and electro-mechanical characterization of metallic and semiconducting nanowires. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to be involved in MEMS and probe-based techniques for biological studies at the single-cell level. Collaborations are in place with investigators at the Northwestern Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center, the Feinberg School of Medicine, the International Institute for Nanotechnology, and Argonne and Sandia National Laboratories.


    1. A Ph.D. in engineering, materials science or physics
    2. Working experience in at least two of the following areas: in-situ electron microscopy mechanical testing, confocal/electron/atomic force microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, molecular/quantum mechanics
    3. A good record of publications.
    4. Strong verbal and written communication skills.

    The position is available immediately for a period of one year and may be renewed thereafter. Actual start date is negotiable. Applications will be reviewed immediately and continue to be accepted until the positions are filled. Interested candidates should submit a CV, a cover letter describing their research experience and interests, and the names and email addresses of at least three references to:

    Professor Horacio D. Espinosa

    Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

    Northwestern University

    2145 Sheridan Rd.

    Evanston, IL 60208-3111

    Email: mn-mechanics@northwestern.edu


    Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer.

    星期三,2010年6月2日16:35:22 +0000 hdespinosa 8332网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8332#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/8332