美国工程集团有限公司的博客 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/blog/17300 利用abaqus进行轮胎设计有限元分析的挑战 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/7374

Finite Element Analysis of Vehicle and Tire has become a very important aspect of a tire design and failure analysis to most Tire companies. Tire modeling with ABAQUS is a very complicated process involving complex materials like hyperelastic rubber and textile reinforcements, large model size, prolonged simulation time and various convergence issues. This white paper intends to help in understanding the challenges in tire analysis and several tips and tricks that makes a difference in the quality of the results and processing time. AEG hopes that this article will be useful to ABAQUS users working in the field of tire design and analysis.Complete Article:

星期四,2010年1月14日19:25:06 +0000 美国工程集团有限责任公司 7374网址:https://i万博manbetx平台mechanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/7374#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/7374