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Ajit R. Jadhav's blog

Jobs: advertised and applied for

In this thread, I intend to create a record of all the job applications related to CAE (teaching, research or application engineering) and/or software development for the same (research or application engineering) that I have made, and responses, if at all any, that I have got. (Jobs involving a component of management are included.)

Comparative Computational Mechanics / Engineering Science

If you had to design a course of the title: "Comparative Computational Mechanics" or "Comparative Methods of Computational Engineering Science and/or Mechanics", what would its contents be like?

Why lionize mathematics in science/engineering?

这reference to (only) the *last paragraph* in Prof. Harry Lewis' recent post, found at:node/1423#comment-2880.

The reason I write the present post is because I always seem to have had a view of inventing, learning, or teaching mathematics that is remarkably at odds with what Prof. Lewis' last paragraph *seems* to imply.

UG Course on Solid Mechanics

Given below is a sequence that might properly address the question of what to teach in the first (and the only) UG couse on strength of materials or solid mechanics.

0. Note:It's a mistake to believe that the contents for such a course can be covered in a linear fashion. Apply the spiral theory of knowledge and revisit certain concepts again and again: e.g., the concepts of stress, strain, fields, BV problems, theoretical structure, etc.

1. Introduction:

Stress or strain: which one is more fundamental?

In between stress and strain, which one is the more fundamental physical quantity? Or is it the case that each is defined independent of the other and so nothing can be said about their order? Is this the case?

Systematization Schemes for Mechanics and Concept Maps

1. Introductory

Recently, there has been some active discussion on topics like:
-- Open-source textbooks
-- Comparing lecture notes
-- Unification of mechanics
-- Wikipedia and Citizendium


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